New lucidity method

If you perform RC’s first thing when you wake up, It would completely eliminate FA’s. This could be good or bad. Some people like FA’s I hear. But for people who have them commonly… you could reach lucidity fast because once you wake up its a habbit to perform an RC.

I believe there are some who do that. I seem to remember a discussion about it somewhere. I don’t know if it was this forum or Give it a try and see how it works for you.

FAs are sometimes sometimes entertaining, one (long ago) I was making a nightmare, And I told myself to wake up, I woke up in the middle of a street and I acted as if it was normal :neutral:

Another time, I woke up and there was an alien besides my bed, I slammed his big green head on my room’s wall and he started making funny noises and ran away. After I woke up, I realised it was a dream because in my dream I managed to make a big hole by slamming him in the wall. I hope he learned his lesson :content:

Yup, some people do this… I’ve decided to take a break technique-wise with LDing, but when I was doing RCs, I did every time I woke up. Didn’t help, personally.

Yeah, I do that. And it helps (I’ve gotten a LD from my second FA… out of two FA’s…). It’s cool, cos I got to explore my dream bedroom…
Also, lottsa people say they get their most detailed LD’s from becoming lucid in FA’s.

FAILD :wink:.

My first LDs where FAs. I don’t seem to get them anymore, wonder why.

Your subconscious → :devil: ← doesn’t want you to LD and removed the FAs!

That rascally subconscious, always playing mind games!

I recommend RC’s when you wake up, or even before you open your eyes try to do WILD. It takes some practice to be able to do WILD before you first open your eyes.

Anyways, I don’t know anyone who actually LIKES FA’s. Usually people say they’re annoying.

I like them, every LD is good. The only problem is that my FAs seem to be taken from a horror movies. The last FA I had, the walls where bleeding. I also seem to get monsters. But then I atleas know I’m dreaming :grin: without doing a RC.

Strange now that I think about it I have not had many false awakenings either lately. Strange. :hmmm: