Memory Loss

A few days ago I had a day off from work and I decided to take some Klonopin for recreational purposes. Just to make this short, everything went good, I was in the chatroom talking to people and then boom, I wake up on the couch and it is 18 hours later. What happened? I don’t know.

This event isn’t what this thread is about though. Later that day I had a thought. If I am not going to remember something, how can I ever be consciously at a moment if I am not going to remember it?

But then that made me think, ‘Could that mean everything that happens is just a memory’

I’m not meaning to sound all spiritual or anything, just throwing out a random though I had. I swear it has to be the drugs.

is that some sort of anti-anxiety medicine?

i have a friend who was taking something similar… he would walk around the corner and forgot he took one 10 minutes prior. long story short he “went out” on a sunday and “came back” on a sunday… a week later. he was missing thousands of dollars, his apartment was torn apart and all the glass was knocked out of the windows, all his clothes were soaked in urine and pilled in the passenger’s seat of his miata that was sitting in an alley a half mile away from his house…

crazy stuff… be careful.

funny enough you usualy forget alot of your day anyway, blank spots where although you were being you and doing things you usualy do you arent (as i have heard it put) reflecting on your thoughts, kinda like the post on lucid living.
Do you remember exactly what you where thinking this time yesterday, we often forget our thoughts but remember the ideas


That is not a unusual reaction to that class of medications. It’s not common either. But, I have heard similar stories from people who take that type of medication. You do not need to be afraid of this medication but, just be aware of the possible side-effects.

Yea. A lot of those kinds of medicines can put you in a transient state. I never forgot that I had taken anything, I just didn’t understand how I could get from one place to another. The reason I ask these questions is because I know I was never conscious during this. For all I know, I might have sat in the chatroom for another four hours talking, talked to my dad, ate something, and did other things and not even have known it. All I know is that I picked up my two liter of soda and took it with me to where I woke up.

one time i was drunk and watching music videos

i still haven’t figured out if they ever existed, I had MTV2 (or Fuse?) on, but I had it on mute, listening to the radio.

it all fit with what I was hearing nice and dandy, then I went and passed ou for a while.

It’s weird, it really is, thinking you know what you were doing, but really not being sure at all.

I don’t know, I don’t even remember WHY I thought the videos might not have been real, but after sobering up I had that suspicion… I guess they were pretty abstract and black and white far too often, maybe, I don’t know… I do remember watching commercials in synch with the music though.

that drug sounds crazy though… I don’t like memory loss, what’s the opint of doing something if you can’t remember it?

then again I think I had a kundalini experience in an abstract dream once, I don’t remember a thing about it, other than something about my spine, and white lights… but it’s like memories of a tv show, not like memories of me actually having it… and yet… it is…

memories are crazy… and what would we be withou them?

nothing? I guess… hmm… I feel like seeing Memento.

Yea. I doubt I am ever going to do it again, not that much anyways. It was the third time I had tried taken it. Same thing happened the second time, but not nearly as extreme, I actually remember going to my bed and I was only out for four hours. I did have a feeling of being intoxicated and that was the reason I took it in the first place. I just got memory loss along with with deal.[/list]

Yea, it is a anti-anxiety medicine Adidas, I forgot to answer you before.