unusual dream - need help

Hi -
i havent posted here in ages, because i have little or no success in lucid dreaming.
but lately i have these dreams where i say to myself that i am dreaming -but when i ask myslef am i dreaming, i feel like i am awake with my eyes shut in a heavy state of day dreaming or something. when i say to myself that im dreaming i believe it, but i also believe that i am awak and jsut daydreaming. when i wake up i wonder why couldnt i just believe that i was dreaming and enjoy the experience. NEED HELP! :help:


my guess is that you’re at a low level LD
make sure to always increase lucidity, rub hands, touch something
keep at it :smile:

yip. sounds like a low level LD. try some reality checks or some control techniques like spinning or focusing on your hands. if you get a greater control in the dream you’ll be conscious of your body and know without a doubt that you’re in your room… in your bed… dreaming.

I agree it is probably a low level lucid dream or dreaming in a lighter NREM stage of sleep. Increasing lucidity should help you a lot.

=> practice diligently ( every night ).
=> Do RC during your waking life as often as you can.
=> Keep a DJ every night.

I’ve also had this problem a lot, and found it very confusing and dissapointing. I’m never sure whether im awake or dreaming, but it feels like im just awake with my eyes closed. I can feel my body and such, and the dreams usually gets very blurry and indistinct, very different from the clarity which dreams normally have.

Im glad to learn that this is a milestone on the way to full lucid dreaming.
It means im getting better! :happy:

Are you able to control any actions w/in your dream?

Yes. Normally, this is just after i look at my hand for a RC, and I just ignore everything else and do the RC. The one time I can remember it very clearly, I was in a car, so, logically, due to low Lucidity, I couldnt spin around or anything.

yh. know exactly how this feels. I have a kind of FA where I start writing in my DD and realise that I’m not really doing it, but can’t decide whether it’s a dream or not, and then it just turns into darkness and I can feel my body etc.