Mmmmm, sleepy

Ok, I’ve gotten a lot of conflicting opinions on a certain question that I have (both about dream recall and becoming lucid).

Does being more tired when you attempt to do either make it easier or harder to succeed?

Thanks in advance for any input at all :tongue:

Both, in my opinion. It should be easier to do WILD, seeing how you will fall asleep much faster. But at the same time, you will be pretty ‘tired’ and unobservant in your dreamstate, making MILD or DILD somewhat harder.

Odd2k said it all. Depending on which technique you want to try out, you can choose to be more or less tired.
As for dream recall, I’m not sure if there’s a single answer to your question. Depends a lot on who you are I guess. Personally I’ve noticed the more tired I am, the faster I fall asleep, the more dream cycles I go through, so the more dreams I have and so the bigger the chance of having a better dream recall in the morning, given the condition that every other external and internal parameter, except for the level of tiredness, remains the same in the sleeping process. Others may have other results ofcourse :smile: