Anyone feel like sharing...

Does anyone feel like sharing their personal experience of becoming a lucid dreamer? Like how you started and overcame problems…or how you progressed from remembering dreams to realising you’re dreaming and progressing to becoming lucid? Big thing to ask…rebuff me if you will.

I started having lucid dreams as a child. I would have bad nightmares. A friend suggested to sleep on my stomach and that ended all my nightmares. I had a few “lucid” dreams but didn’t know the term. I later read lots of different books and learned the word “lucidity.”

My biggest challenge in dreaming is recall.
A good sleep schedule, and presistance on spending the first few minutes of waking up to trying to remember your dreams, and then writing them down.
Describing the dream in writing really helps your brain recreate the scene of the dream, and therefore you can see a flood of a few more memories flow through. It really helps.
A journal can store the very many dreams you will have, and some you can read over years later and maybe find a pattern to your dreams.

These patterns are what I notice when dreaming. I use these to become lucid. Just last night I had a lucid dream in the same exact location of my first remember lucid dream. I dream of this speacial location often and it is a dream trigger.

You may find you have a reoccuring something that may be out of this waking world possible. Hopefully asking yourself if you are dreaming?

  1. LaBerge, Stephen – Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming - a detailed guide to lucid dreaming
  2. Dream Journal - the basis for remembering any Lucid Dream
  3. Dedication
  4. RC with my trusty Timex watch

In my experience the shortest path to becoming Lucid is to become scientific in your approach, if there is one commonality between threads on this board is that everybody has taken the well known techniques and adapted them to suit themselves.

  1. Research
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Collect Data
  4. Try Again

I am remembering about 2-3 dreams per night (sort of counted by their lack of relatedness to each other, or change of scenery) and am not sure where to go now. The websites I have looked at are a bit vague…“I have to find a pattern in my dreams and try to progress to ‘Hey I’m dreaming’”. Little difficult. Am I right in assuming I have to keep my dream journal going for more than a few days (Yeah, very newbie. Have you noticed almost every website has a place for “Newbies” and they all use the word “Newbies”!) Once I have a long dream diary, can I find a pattern and how do you do that?!
V long entry…please help…thankies

Thank you for replying to my message!

Newbie? have we called you a newbie? :content: Your title is a “Sleepwalker” and you are posting in a forum for beginners. :content:

I even consider myself a “newbie” when thinking of inducing LDs. I can have LDs occur naturally and they can seem random, but inducing them seems more difficult. I’m always looking for ways to improve the skill. :smile:

A pattern can be anything. It may be an old house you once lived in, a person or pet from your past, an unique location or scene. Or maybe you dream of yourself naked in public, or your teeth are loose. If you dream of any of these often you can use them as triggers.

I have a lot of triggers that I have always dreamt of, such as flying. It seems I always fly in my dreams, and sometimes I think “oh I’m flying, I must be dreaming.”

No! No one called me a newbie it’s just every website seems to use that word…Weird because I’d never heard that before…newbie…reminds me of the Sims and the Newbie house…

I’ve had some dreams I’ve never forgotten, like one about a house; only one poignant nightmare; dying; falling; lately two about my mother’s sister…don’t like her…can I use these as triggers and how? Thanks for your help…websites are vague and the books you recommended are not even in my county! I library checked. Took like a whole day.
Thanks for your (Strangely for me, very useful) guidance and help!

You might can use your Mother’s Sister as a trigger, since you don’t like her. Everytime you see her ask “I must be dreaming?” and then do a few reality checks.

Does your library have an online cataloge on the internet? Maybe you can search for a few books under the subject “lucid dreams.”

Thanks! I went to the library, and their web thingy covers all the county (including places I have never been and know not where they be!) and there is nothing by Stephen LaBerge nor anything on lucid dreaming anywhere. I had a dream (one of 4 all remembered - v proud) about a big old book on lucid dreaming tho…ooh going to monmouth today - will search!
Yeah, really don’t like Judy…wonder why.
Thank you for your help!

here is a web page that has a few interesting writings about Lucid Dreaming and Stephen Laberge. His book The World of Lucid Dreaming is definately a good read.

I am also new to LD. I did it once as a kid and always remebered it but I couldn’t do it again. I stumbled onto Lucid dreaming on the web by accident and realized that It was possible to teach yourself how to wakeup in your dreams. I started trying this about 6 months ago, and stopped for a while. and started again about a month ago, and I have had 3 short LD’s (but very much worth it.). If you start burning yourself out take a break. It worked for me.

Thanks for your posts! I’m still trying to realise I’m dreaming. Must be ther hardest part. Actually that just triggered my dream off…wow I dreamt I had a dream and I realised I was dreaming…so I had to go to school. That sucks!
(Wish I had money to buy books!)