
I’ve tried a maybe 20 times to fall asleep listening to headphones hoping the music would enhanse/change the dream, several times I’ve been close to lucidity (sort of in between dreaming and being awake) but then the cd ends and I snap awake. I was wondering if anyone had ever tried and succeded in doing this and, if so what was it like.

I have tried this a few times,at first I could not get to sleep with the music playing,After about a week of trying I got to sleep with the music on,The only thing I noticed was that I heard the music in my dreams,But I did not think to do a RC so I did not go lucid.
What you need to do is put the cd on repeat so the music will play when you get to the REM stage,REM happends about an hour and a half after you fall asleep,so if you can do that I would give it a go.

also, try for a song you havent heard before. And every time you hear it, you do an RC.

Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots Pt.1

also i dont think that you should try this as soon as you are falling asleep, i spose it is like wild and at this time it can be very hard to fall asleep, like i am suer that you have noticed. why dont you try waking up at like… 3am or somthing and then put the headphones on and fall asleep then that may make it a lot eaiser, or just set up the computer to start up a certian song at a certian time of the night. that might work a little better as well. good luck

I’ve fallen asleep a handful of times with the cd on and have done a reality check everytime I’ve heard that song, but I keep waking up either right after or during it. Any thoughts?

keep at it. try and change the volume settings. are you going lucid and then awakening? or just waking up place it on repeate. Chill :smile: about it jsut let it flow