the BIG Reality Check Topic [part II]


I usually just incorporate what ever I am doing into the RC and don’t let myself get distracted form them.

You could try an take time every to experience everything as if it were a dream. Really try to feel as if everything is a dream and imagine what you would do in the dream. At the end remind yourself that you will remember it is the next time you are dreaming. This way you can go someplace where you will not be interrupted or distracted. I don’t know if it will work better than doing RC ,s or not.

Thanks milod789.

I’m not sure if I’ve understood this bit right. Should I tell myself, ‘Next time I’m dreaming, I’ll remember what I’ve just done’ ?

Hi whispa :wave:

Sorry I did not make that clear. I meant it in the same way you would give yourself a MILD suggestion. The next time you are dreaming you will realize you are dreaming (or words to that effect). After experiencing everything as if it was a dream you want to set your intention to recognize when you are dreaming (for real).

I hope that was a little better or at least more clear.

Good luck and happy dreaming

The only RC I do is the one where you plug your nose then see if you can still breathe through it. It works really well for me.

I had 3 reality checks last night that all resulted in me waking up. Here is one of them:
I was renacting the old west, kinda like that movie “city slickers” only instead of herding cattle we were smuggling mexicans into Nevada. One girl I don’t like from my school was laghing at me and I thought to myself,“When I go to sleep, you’re ass is dead.” (I’m quoting) then I threw my gum off the side of a nonexistant train and went to “sleep”. (Basically I jumped to the next morning) where we were gathering all the mexicans like squirrels gathering acorns and I thought,“Ok there is one under that bush, one over there and one on cemetary roa-hey, I’m dreaming”
and then I woke up

Kind-of frusterating

I wrote “lucid” on my hand to remember to do reality checks, but it doesn’t seem to help much :sad: I’m always like “wow! this is cool!” or “ok so this is what I gotta do” and do it. :confused: even if they make no sence :sad:

Usually for RC’s I check my watch(digital): In dreams, usually it shows real numbers, but impossible ones. (like 3:82:99) Even when it shows a realistic time, the seconds are counting backwards. For confirmation I attempt telekinesis.

I’ve used it successfully about twice now, once in a dream about going back to high school, and once in a false awakening.

For my habitual RC, whenever I check my watch, I check it long enough to make sure the seconds are counting correctly.

a reality check i used to do in my old house was to count the stairs. one time,while on the stairs in a dream i noticed the tv and a womans head on it balooning. i counted the stairs and there were only 12 instead of 14. i became mildly lucid before i counted the stairs. maybe just being on that spot in the dream made me go lucid. try doing rc’s everytime you go to a certain spot. shouldn’t be a spot where you hang often. make it like a stairway or hall, etc.

Omg omg omg, put sticky notes on things in your dreams!!! See what happens. Oooooooooo!

I have another idea. Sometimes you’ll think “It’d be funny if so and so happens…” and then it happens. Like you’ll think it’d be funny if I wore the same dress as so-and-so or something. And then it happens. That’s a bad example, but I hope you get the idea. Everytime that happens, do a RC.

I might try asking someone to randomly ask me if I’m dreaming so it’s unexpected.

A long time ago I wrote myself a note ‘Do an RC’ and put it in an envelope (I got the idea from another ld member). One day I picked it up, forgetting what it was. When I read it I knew that the memory would be much stronger in my mind because of the suprise.

i keep forgetting to do reality checks. i started out pretty strong with 5 every hour but that was 3 weeks ago. a week after i started doing RCs, i had a LD but now 2 wks later, theres none so im kinda discouraged :sad: this sucks

stop for one day let your mind sink it all in and start it all over againthis helped me and might help you 2 :happy:

thanks, i just had a LD :smile:

Although I am not currently practicing Reality Checks as a technique, I thought I’d add what I did when I was. I didn’t have many good LD’s but I realized I was dreaming plenty of times.

See the odd thing is that I have a ‘normal’ watch instead of a digital one. You wouldn’t believe the strange results. Maybe someone here already mentioned some things in this thread, but I usually either had the hands moving around randomly, just plain changing upon a second look, or even sometimes their would be more hands on the clock spinning around but not in the middle. Interesting stuff.

While in RL I usually just looked at my watch, then turned my hand over or shook it fast and then looked at it again. Sometimes I just turned my head around and then looked again. Then I ask, “Am I where I should be?” Sometimes I would actually answer myself and say exactly where I am and why, but that was just an extra.

had the weirdest LD today right after school… came home at like 2, went to sleep at 3 and i had an LD in the time between 3-6… and it was really cool lucid dream… i dont know why it came so fast i wasnt even trying to have one… i just saw i was dreaming and did a RC then im like shit a LD, awesome!!! pretty weird though

hey i also do that with a non digital watch… it works really well but in dreams you look at it it has 5 hands and is moving backwards and your like oh ok, and you only sometimes take notice of it… For me the plugging up the nose works perfect… not a single time it hasnt worked… so yah if you are good at the watch thing then stick to it but if ot then try plugging your nose

My favorite reality check that isn’t very reliable (except IRL) is to say ‘if this is a dream I will have % amount of dollars magically appear’. Some other ones would be to check location and people’s bahavoirs.

This is my latest RC, every morning i open my dictionary and find a word and it becomes my word of the day. then whenever i do an RC i think of that word. If i am dreaming then i will relise there is no word and therefor was no morning and then i will click. If not a dream then i will remember the word i chose.
It works well as well because it forces you to remember the morning and place yourself in the day, also its a good one becase it only requires thought effort.

A new idea im toying with is also picking a word before i go to sleep and as im going to sleep reminding myself to remember it, in theory in my dreams i may remember this word and then remember the fact that i just went to sleep and therefor am not dreaming.
However i have not yet tried this one so im not sure.

I’m kind of obsessive-compulsive about time, so clocks make a great RC for me. Last night, when I had my very first lucid dream where I remained lucid for more than two seconds, I woke up, looked at the clock, realized I had been dreaming, then went back to sleep, thus putting myself back into my dream fully lucid. Is that kind of like WILD? I’m not really familiar with all these techniques yet.

I check my watch and try to breathe through my nose when it’s blocked. Haven’t had a fully lucid dream yet. I’ve done reality checks in my dreams but not the ones I practice. Last night I checked if I could see my nose. And sure enough I could. This surprised me because I was sure it was a dream and thus woke up.