The Lucid Wishing Well

As strange as it is my dreams have been much more vivid since making that wish and last night i was able to hold onto dreams and reenter them several times. Maybe it did work after all.

And this one didn’t work cause it was not directly related with LD, hehehe ! :puh:

I’ll give it this one, as my BDay is almost just 2 weeks away. :partying_face:

I wish for more vivid dreams, More dream recall, and a smarter sub-concious for more LDs

i had my fifth one this morning :grin: . its funny, its not like i ever believed it would work, maybe its like weird placebo that works even when u noe it won’t, or mayb it’s just coincidence. in any case its pretty cool. (also i think i’ve been getting to sleep easier :cool_laugh: )

  1. I wish to remember about 3 vivid dreams per night.
  2. I wish that in my dream I heal my cat and it actually does have an effect on real life.
  3. I wish more an more of these dreams to be lucid.

Phew, nearly forgot the smiley. :content:

OMG wish 1 and 2 worked :happy: 4 good LD:s in a night!

I want to rewish everything, especially my literal dream girl in the red dress and the one about the jell-o shots and uzo. :sad: :grrr: :shy:

k I’ll try again

I wish to be a better LDer than Laberge, Pedro, And Lucidity_master put together.

:smile: :smile:

that outta do it :smile:

I use the power of all 3 wishes to make a giant superwish.

All I wish for is the ability to recognize I am dreaming and become lucid at least once per night. :smile:

Please work!!! :cry:

I wish for deep, relaxing sleep, full of pleasant lucid dreams… :moon:

I wish for all forum members that never had a lucid dream,
they get there first lucid experience soon! :beer:

go go smilie :smile:

I wish for perfect dream recall.
I wish for amazing, beautiful dreams.
I wish to be able to LD whenever I want to, with any method I choose.

Here goes my favourite smiley down the well :grin:

I wish for long vivid LD
I wish for total control in LD
I wish to masterize induction techniques
:yinyang: :om: :sleep:

I wish to get better dream recall, to have long LDS, and to get my first LD today. :smile:


  1. I wish to have my first lucid dream tonight
  2. That i will remember all of it
  3. And that it will be the most incredible dream ever!!

farewell smiley :spinning: safe journey down the well

My turn! :happy:

I wish I have an LD tonight, and I remember every single part of it, and I remember normal dreams better too.

I wish I had at least one lucid dream every night I want to, I wish this dream was long and vivid, I wish my parents didn’t think lucid dreaming is bad for brain!
Hey, little thing, I hope the fairy likes sycophancy… :bow:

I wish for more lucid dreams (duh), more STABLE lucid dreams ^^ and finally better dream recall. :content:

throw my smiley down the well and hopes for it to make my wishes come true. fly safely and fast. :angel_fly:

I wish to reach lucidity (I haven’t been lucid yet).
I wish to have a lot of long, stable, vivid lucid dreams.
I wish to have better dream recall.

throws in smiley :cool: