disadvantages of lucid dreaming?

you think that now but you really get used to them and they often times aren’t special, I have maybe 5 “memorable” LDs per month, the rest are just chaotic meanlingless memories that often times fade away, like you know, just sex and flying… but not good sex or flying.

What exactly is a Dream Walker? Is that just someone who is very adept at Lucid and Shared Dreaming?

i dont think they would get old…they are like regular dreams…except more to do. instead of watching a film…you are the one making the film. and i personally like making it. :tongue: and…how can they not be special?! you make them the way you want them. if you dont like the setting…u spin…theres so much things to do.

i agree, i could see how the novelty may where off a bit, but i still think it would be way kool. even stephen laberge said that he still enjoys the thrill from his LD’s.

I guess if you got really into LD’s you might end up sleeping too much :roll:

I’ve been getting that a bit with mine recently and there’s still loads I haven’t tried yet. With me it’s down to lazziness though. I really need to plan them more.

yeah…that is one thing im worried about. whenver i have a lucid dream [rare]…i do the spinning method tons of times…and ill go to bed like at 11 and wake up like at 1 pm. :tongue: but…i do have to say…staying lucid in a dream for a while can be pretty fun :cool:

Too lazy to read the other posts so sorry if this has already been posted. lol :happy:

I don’t know if this is true, but if you go so far into the subconcious mind in an LD you may fall into a coma. But theres like, a 0.5 chance of that happening.

so wouldnt that mean 50% chance?

That is just a myth as far as I know. Absolutely no evidence to support it.

Never heard it! :smile:

The thought of having a LD to me is not a bit frightening, i can’t stand that feeling i get when i am breating in a LD, its like a huge echo chamber, also if you are like me and look forward to a LD every night… well let me rephrase taht, try to look back and think about the moment that you become lucid, that moment when the RC fails and everything goes blurry, that is a very intense moment and my mind has began to fear it (don’t ask me why), also during normal sleep your heart rate is very normal, and with a LD your heartrate is very accelerated, so what ends up happening is you don’t get AS MUCH rest, but you do still rest. :peek:

I think 0.5% chance was meant, or at least seems more likely, or else all lucid dreamers would be going into coma’s every other dream…

0.5 is a one in two hundred chance right? meanign if you have two hundred LD’s, statsically you’ll be in a coma.

That’s not true. Cos if it was… I’d say Pedro is in hospital right about now… and he’d have been in there for a while…
The same with everyone who has at least one LD a night, you’d be commatised in two hundred (or less days).

I cant think of any reason to why LD’ing would be bad in any way…
And I doubt you could go into a coma from it, its just a dream right?

You could look at a clock, look away and then look back. You’ll have noticed that one of the hands (the thinest one) would have moved.
You would then jump out of the seven story window and flap your arms like a lunatic.
You would also then die a couple of seconds later.

That’s be pretty harmful…


haha :content:

i would say that a problem would b getting addicted to it :wink:

It’s not all that bad … like my oxygen addiction. I can live happy. :content:

lol damn right but DA we are killing our selves by breathing :wink:

I don’t believe this thing either. Maybe it means 0.5% of those who get too far into the subconscious? Or 50% of them? Sounds like there are several types of lucid dreams, and one of them is dangerous. But I don’t know how it could have been possible to count the percentage. Did they ask dozens of coma patients how far they reached in their dreams? :wow: Well, it is a bad feature of dreams – someone dies asleep, and you have no possibility to ask them, what you should not do in your dreams not to repeat their story… :grinnn: Life is very dangerous at all. Maybe normal dreams are even more dangerous, because you are already shifted to think that everything you feel is real.