Yay! Congratulations. You have created your own technique variation!

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Hmmm…I might have to try this tech out. Congrats!


Good job, I knew you could do it!

Unbelievably cool :cool: :cool: :cool:

hehe thx

Congratulations on your LD :beer:


Hey congratulations! maybe i’ll try that tonight.
just one question: did you have your eyes open when you were counting?

:happy: I tried that technique last night, but I could not get to 400, I kept getting distracted, I’ll try again tonight. :wink:

Dark sider: No, as that’d keep you awake…
You’d keep your eyes shut until you reach your chosen number (400 sounds good) and then you open them and take you’re RC’s.

Great LD! Great method! Congrats :cool_laugh: :clap:

ROFL! Just great :wink:

“The Strangers Behind The Mirror”… sounds like a good horror movie, perhaps a sequel to “The People Under The Stairs” :tongue:

if you cant get to 400…then either focus real hard on it…or use a smaller number such as 200.

and…as for the opening your eyes part…dont even open them while performing an RC. only open them if the RC proves that you are dreaming…otherwise if you are not dreaming, then it will wake you up more if you open your eyes.

by the way…i didnt have an ld last night :sad: but that is probably because i didnt wake up when my alarm went off.

well, I’d have to open my eyes, as my favoure RC (count your finger, check the time and one of my own all need your eyes).
I do use the nose one, but it’s less successful for me than the others I listed.

gonna try it this night. Did you focus hard on counting or just let yourself to count ‘automaticly’?

btw, have you ever succeed WILD?

Im very pesimistic on this method, cus i haven’t suceed WILD, and dunno. gonna try this night.

i dont focus that hard…all i do is picture a number line kind of… and i just see myself watching that numberline…seeing the numbers going higher and higher. and when it goes to 400…then i do a RC. and im in a dream!

and…most people r pesimistic on this type of thing because they sometimes dont think they can do it. it is a very hard concept to go asleep concious…but once u have the hang of it…its probably th emost effective. especially this one…im combining a lot of things to this one. RCs, WBTB, WILD, HILD…all in to one. even though this one is very similar to HILD… anyways yeah…i hope that helps.

oh…and…yes ive succeeded at WILD

thanks 4 the help, anyways, i’ve never succeded at wild, but last night I did have my first LD via DILD :smile:

heh cool…well DILD cant really happen at will. WILD it is more possible.

It sounds like your technique is WILD you just do it a little differently.