MILD, VILD, Or Incubation?

Hmm…ok after looking at various methods that do not require waking up early [Or I should say that are successfull without waking up early] I have found 3 major methods: MILD, VILD, and Incubation

Just in case you don’t already know, Ill breifly explain each…

Relax in your bed before you fall asleep and look at your thoughts. After observing one of them, tell yourself: “Next time I see/hear/do _______ I will remember I am dreaming” And repeat this over and over and do this to just about every thought you have. You will at least dream of ONE of the thoughts you thought of, and hopefully will become lucid.

Relax in your bed before you fall asleep and picture yourself in a red room with one door and one friend. Have the friend ask you to perform an RC, and make yourself do an RC and then exit through the door. Visualise this as a dream in your mind over and over until you fall asleep. Hopefully, you will dream of that and become lucid. Then you can exit through the door in the red room and be somewhere else.

Before going to bed, ask yourself where you would want to go the most [the moon, atlantis, wherever] Then write a sentence in the following sintax: “I want to go to _________”. Then right below that, write “The next time I goto/see _________, I will remember I am dreaming”. The two _________ should be the same. Anyways, after writing that down, repeat those two lines in your head over and over until you eventually fall asleep.

NOW…MY QUESTION: Which method should I focus on the most. In your opinion OR in scientific research, which do you think will be the most reliable and the most effective. I wanna know :happy:

In my opinion, MILD would probably be the most effective. VILD and Incubation rely on dream settings while MILD uses “smaller” dream signs. Since smaller dream signs can appear along with others at any time, and since your dream can only have one setting at a time, I think you would be more likely to run across one of your MILD dream signs than one of the incubated settings.

thats a good point :smile: So…the MILD method that i posted…u think that would be most effective? or is there another variation of mild that is even better.