Very odd occurence last night...

I have a cold at the moment ( :sad: ), and last night I just couldn’t get asleep. If I wasn’t coughing, I was absolutely boiling (despite it being extremely cold that night). But the weirdest thing was this dream or something or other, anytime I tried to get asleep it was like something was “pulling” me out of it, and I can remember like images of a man pulling strings or something. I dismissed it as just random thoughts in my mind. And then I woke up. I’d been awake but dreaming for 4 or more hours. I thought I was awake this whole time, but I’d been dreaming. Possibly. My memory of this is very unclear, but it certainly was a weird experience.

Maybe you just were falsely awoke during the whole night, or it was just all HI? ^-^
Pretty strange things happens during the night when you have the cold and flue. ^^

When I get a really bad cold, It usually causes me to have really bad dreams/nightmares…

I havent ever experienced what you describe though…

I haven’t experienced this again, but I haven’t recalled any dreams for a whole week now…help! :sad:

Do you keep an DJ? If not, start doing so, it helps MUCH on dream recall. :content:

Sounds like a strange experience indeed… Probably some kind of a dream/HI. When people are ill, strange dreams/hallucinations/OBEs are not really uncommon, because they’re psychological expressions of that illness. Some even say these strange experiences are necessary parts of the healing process.