Possible to record dreams onto video?

The cat experiment only proves it’s possible to see what the cat EYES see. Not what the CAT sees. Then the visual information is mixed with a lot of things (memories, emotions) and it’s perhaps impossible to retrieve them in a video form.
…But perhaps we could graft a cat brain directly on ours, :devil: …so we can experience directly what he feels and dreams. Who wants to be the human guinea-pig ?
~ Basilus West, mad scientist ~

As I programmer, I know how to deal with data. It is a pain in the a’ss some times, and I do not think that deciphering a brain and all it’s emotional reactions and empirical data can be less of a pain in comparison. To store a dream on a video casette would be no more than to record the decipherable audio/visual data for viewing and analysing at a later time. I do not think that the video format would work on anything else. But, on the other hand, computers can do more than this.

Imagine recording the data into a memory matrix, where a computer simulation could be based on that data to make a recreation. This is something that could unveil profound new possabilities. A 3D simulation that processed emotions and everything else emitted in the brain. Then a human would tap into this and relive the dream. This is possible - it is only a matter of time.

What will be a problem is the subatomic processes. But we do not know how much of a percent of magnitude these processes make out - so it’s really hard to take into account. But try not to think so much in terms of storage media in opposition to what signals can be extracted from the brain. Where to store or recreate we have to think about later. We can’t press a dream into a common media format, we have to create a new format to fit the data. That’s what they did with DVDs, that’s what they did with Direct3D and openGL. That’s what they are gonna do with dreams, too.


To reply to the rest of your post, relating to the mind-body seperation in science, I suggest you pick up a copy of Dreaming Reality by Joe Griffin and Ivan Tyrell. They interpret dreams fantastically, with a theory to wrap it all up in. They observe why people dream in symbols, why this relieves the built-up introspections of the previous day, etc, etc. Fascinating read.

Altogether, they interpret about 17 dreams, plus the seminal dreams of Freud and Jung.

If you can stomach it (it’s pretty hard), you can try for their older book. It’s rather harder to read with phrases like “activated drive schemata” and “emotionally arousing introspections”. :neutral:

Erm… ok I’ll look for it :smile:

But can you give some of the key points of their theory, and how this is related to my post?
By the way, conventional science doesn’t separate mind from the body. To the contrary, it reduces the mind completely to body mechanics. And this overall reductionism is wrong imo, and that’s why I think you can never get dreams on tape.

Thx for the suggestion :wink:

You seemed to say scientists try to consider everything as happening “with the brain”. I was reminded of a quote from the back: “THe bridge between neurophysiology and psychology”. I thought it took a perhaps different view from that you mentioned in your post.

Ah yes ok scientists indeed consider everything happening with the brain. But I don’t believe most of these theories, so I’ll probably like the bridge-theory as described in the book you mentioned :content:

In future it will be possible thats for sure!
If you can effort it, thats a antoher thing :wink:

Why do you think so?

Ha! This must be one of those extremely rare times we seem to disagree on something :tongue:

rofl mystic, yes most of the time we agree.
Well dont say to quickly we dont this time :wink:

Well those european researchers i told you about, can now translate yes or no juat from someones electrig magnetic brainwaves. So no electrodes on head/skin. and soon are be able to translate whole sentences you think from scanning and a math structure software.
So put to that a scanner that picks up and translates the vissual cortex and bingo you got it already…what ppl think and see well if u can record that you got a base already to record your dreams.
Ok maybe not 100% as the person it self experience it.
But good enough to say…hey i dreamed about that red car and i was afraid it would be stolen etc etc :smile:

Ok I admit that experiment can offer much valuable insights in mind issues, perhaps even paranormal phenomena… But if it would really work, you’d reduce the incredible mind into those electromagnetic brainwaves. Personally I think these waves could be the result of mental processes, but cannot reduced to these processes. I say could because this is ofcourse pure speculation. If this tech would really work, you’d end up in the same scientific reductionism of Flatland as I described in the spectrum-of-consciousness post. Perhaps you’re right and these waves can be translated into blurry images, but I don’t think they will ever be sharp enough to distinguish individual dream elements… It would probably be more like a television test screen. The test screen only displays the objective external correlates of the dream experiences (the brainwaves) without any depth. It’s just a surface, nothing more. The true experience itself is fully subjective and takes place deep inside the mind. However, both the external and internal elements are necessary to yield the total experience of the dream. If you want to videotape it, you need to reduce the internal dream fully to external visual elements (brainwaves). And this is and will always be impossible. Imo :smile:

Mmm remember…the vissual cortex is a structare related thing and shows all we c on it. so why would it be impossible to translate that to math and from there to what you c in your dreams?
ok you would miss the emotional impact, of course!
but if u dream about a car it would show a car, but yes it would need briljant math as a translation bridge and some time to let the program know your individual unique ehm language use of signals of the vissual cortex.

It wouldnt be perfect but i think it could be good enough to be of practical use. but more logic, normal ppl outside the lab couldnt effort it!

Things you see WITH YOUR EYES. So you can’t retrieve dreams in the visual cortex. As researchers can already retrieve or put an image in the visual cortex, they would have been able to visualize dreams on a TV. That’s not the case.

I understand your point, but again, if you reduce the view of a dream car to only synaptic impulses in the visual cortex, you destroy the very interpretation of that vision. And interpretation is exactly the only tool we have to conceptualize that inner vision. Destroy the interpretation and you destroy the vision. So you would not only miss the emotional impact, but the whole conscious interpretation of that vision. Representing the dream vision on a flat surface destroys the experience itself.
The whole subjective experience of seeing that car is ofcourse only possible with the aid of brain mechanics, but reducing the sight to those mechanics is like reducing joy to serotonin. The idea of videotaping a dream onto a screen is like saying a picture of the serotonin molecule is a rather accurate display of joy. That’s true in a sense, because serotonin is correlated with joy, but it reduces the whole depth, meaning and interpretation of “joy” to that molecule. That just doesn’t make any sense, but that’s the way hardcore science really works.

I hope you understand my point :smile:

Yes i do, but we were talking about recording dreams and that has of course several views on whats within those limits.
If u mean record a dream so u can experience exactly what the person experienced in his/her dream no of course thats not possible.
But recording a dream to some level of accuracy will surely be possible.
And that is for me within those limmits.
its a bit like showing friends pics taken on a vacation.
Of course it cant give them an excact experience of your vacation, true.
not even close.
Yet we find them useful for our memory or to share a bit about our vacation.
Well so i c this also.

On the spot jeff. That’s really all I would do with a recording - have it for the memory, and have it for review - and most importantly, have it on tape so that I could share the dream with others.

Sometimes I dream a whole film. Perhaps it might not fit the film format of 1 hour and 30 minutes :smile: But it sure would be entertaining. All those actors we have never seen before, acting as true naturals. :smile: And all effects are on the spot perfect.


Well, sometimes the people in my “films” are really weird and the effects not at all convincing.

But with a dream a night, there sure would be material to choose from! :smile:

I agree it may be possible to record “something”, but it will be as far from the dream itself as a picture of serotonin is a display of the experience of joy. Or a better example perhaps: as an advanced EEG of REM sleep is a picture of the dreamstate itself.

When you take pics of your vacation, you’re taking objective pics from a more or less objective reality, a reality of surfaces not of depth. That’s a whole different thing than taking objective pics from a 100% inner subjective reality of interpretation and depth. With the holiday pics you remain in an external world, outside your own self consciousness, so you remain in one domain. The subjective reality however is a whole other domain. Yes it’s correlated with the external world through brainwaves etc… but you cannot reduce it solely to that external objective domain alone. So in my view, your example doesn’t work here. Lol I’m a nitpicker I know :tongue:

Scientists are building a $400 million lab to photograph thoughts and dreams. You can read all about it here.

I think it’s not possible, because dreams simply are not images/video (think of that terabytes of capacity our brains would have to keep :content: ). They’re mental code (see my mental code theory) - associations to your other thoughts or experiences. It’s similar to a word description. Imagine you’re given a (possibly very detailed) description of, say, cat. It’s not possible to visualise it. Sure, you could for example draw a cat that matches the description, but this would be creative work of (another) mind - and I think that dreams are so complex because your mind doesn’t have to process visual (and other sensory) data. We can consciously draw what we dreamed about, but there is no way of acquiring something that doesn’t exist at the time (while you dream).

…Another idea - if we can’t display dream in an objective, “pixel-by-pixel” way, maybe it’d be possible to “record” a dream and then “play” it for another person, into his mind. I’m afraid it’d also be impossible because other person has different experiences, associations etc.
There is also a possibility of playing later a dream to its “author” - this could (theoretically) work…

i would give just about anything to be involved with that project…

if nothing more then as a test subject, assuming it … was safe and didn’t deal with radiation etc …

A search around the net should find you some information on Ted Serios who was famous for being able to transfer his thoughts on to film. As this takes concentration I doubt it would work in a regular dream, but if you concentrated on it in a LD, Obe, I think it would be possible. Perhaps not for everyone but def for some.

The link to the lab article has expired - does anyone have any info about it that might help me find something about it on the net?
Thanks :smile: