my reaccuring nightmare

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:

ok for about the past 4-4/12 months now i have been having the same reaccuring nightmare…

i watch the one person i truely love in the world die in the most horrible/painful ways imagionable, EVERY NIGHT. its a different way every night but its the same person. i am always being held down, unable to move, as she sits there and screams, pleads, cries for me to help her… to do something anything to help her to save her.

these dreams are killing me. i am afraid to fall asleep every night. iw ake up every morning and it takes me all i have no to scream my head off at what i had just witnissed. even while im awake i still see flashes of what i had seen that night…

i have attempted lucidity with these dreams and nothing seems to work.

please… please someone hel me stop these dreams

Dear Death Dreamer,

Maybe you should think happy thoughts and change your handle? :happy:
Make a dreamsign out of that and save them. When you become lucid de-held-self-down and save them. I think that might be the point to the dreams, to save them, subCs are wierd.

What has changed in the last 4.5 months? Moved?
My subC got all pissed off after I moved. My highlevel DCs acted depressed… kinda like normal DCs.

If its not too personal, have you ever been a hostage/kidnapped? This could be your subC attempting to make sence of a situation like that.

Has the “person you truly love” done anything differently recently to freak out your subC?

Lastly, do you consider yourself a savior/helper, someone who people should and do turn to you for help? This could be your subC making sense of that as well. Or this could be your subC telling you to help people more.

Sorry if this post was too long.

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Maybe you have subconcious fear of losing her (either through death, or that she just leaves you one day)? This might create such nightmares also.

In Chapter 10 of EWLD LaBerge has some information that should help you.
It’s a long read,

He suggest “dream re-entry” that explains:

Good luck! :happy: I have a good feeling this is what will help you.

thank you for the advice