perceiving "ENERGY"

I would like to share with you my expirience:
I think I am able to perceive some kind of energy people project voluntarly and in most of the cases involuntarily. I write this because I have never heard anyone talking about this but maybe is something normal we all can do in different degrees. I would like to know if you have had some experience like this.
When I meet people, sometimes I feel that some kind of “energy” (might not be energy but I call it like this) is projected from them to me specially when they are happy to see me, surprised or have and instant of fear as when I accidentally scare someone. I feel this “energy” mostly in my legs. The feeling is very pleasing, is exactly the feeling that is left after you have an orgasm but of course in a very low degree.
What is also weird is that I feel this when I awake from an LD but then sometimes is more intense but shorter in its duration. Is like this “energy” is everywere in LDs and just for being there you get permeated of it. Please comment on this, I want to know if you can perceive the same.

I could relate to it but in my case it usually happens with opposite sex and is more felt when im actually able to touch the person.The most i can feel it during sex- it feels like im kinda connected to their nervous system,i dare to say i can feel me and the person as one.
But i guess thats not what you`re asking for,
Anyways,wanted to ask…ever tried it other way around?Can you induce some feelings(psychical or phisycal) to other person?
take care

In china they call it chi, they feel it from practising standing meditation, yoga also knows it…radja yoga.
I know more ppl that have this. Its not that special, its just not common.
Animals are more aware of it, like dogs 4 example or cats.

Thank you Jack and Jeff for your reply

Jack: I think is the same thing.
Few years ago, maybe like 4 or 5 I told this to a friend, and he was saying oh yes i also can feel it, but i didnt beleive him because he is not very trustful but then he said he will try to give me some energy and then he graved my hand with his two hands and I guess by only willing to happend he succed in passing some of this energy, I felt it, I was very surprised. He is a very strong willing person I think strong will is maybe needed to do this voluntarily. I havent try with anyone because until now I didnt know anybody capable of feeling this appart from this friend.

Jeff: Very interesting, I will do some research on chi and the radja yoga.
I do think sometimes that I resemble in someways to cats behaviour LOL

Is this feeling maybe a mis-perception of your own feelings and emotions, rather than someone else’s energy?

Thats also possible Xisdense, no idea in this case of course!
but with the new age wave over the west that happens also.
Same for obe’s etc

Yeah i guess that there are alot of new things around these days, it’s hard to know what is real/worthwhile and what’s not. I believe it’s important to try and understand, feel it all and not let outside stuff effect you as it does.


Yeah, thats a posibility I havent left behind, before this post I was like 80% thinking is real and 20% thinking that might be my imagination. that is in fact the porpous of this post try to bring more proves either positive or negative. thanks Xisdence for your thoughts.

Yep, I can see, feel etc… energy, pretty cool ability isn’t it?



I was thinking how we can feel other’s different kind of energies tonight and though how when i come home in a bad mood or something sometimes and see my dog, and she is really happy to see me. To a very small extent this shows me how i can feed off the positive energy of the dog, but is my dog affected by my energy, i don’t think so but who knows?

btw mystery00 i noticed you live in perth, same ere :tongue:

I think in every day life there is an exchange of energy between people, most of the time unconsciencely. Might be also people that are aware of this excahnge and act in a vampiric way. Some years ago my friend had a dog (female), and I love her very much I notice that she projected also energy and it felt of the same kind as humans energy I have felt, really interesting!

mystery wrote:

It is pretty cool but havn’t found much practical use for it yet…

That’s correct. As soon as you come near a person, you are “bathing” in his/her aura. If the person is in a bad mood, particularly if the person is very angry at someone/something, your energy can get deeply affected, and if it’s serious sometimes it can take days (or very rarely, weeks) before it gets completely restored. If your energy is screwed up, it will affect the energy of everything around you.
You can restore your energy by using various methods. The best cure is the energy of love combined with pure “light”. Try filling yourself with that, if you can, if your energy gets polluted. (I reccomend doing it at other times too, as it will improve your energy)

There are people who leech other people’s energy, but it isn’t especially common. It is far more common with people who always seems to have incredibly bad energy and “pollutes” everything that comes in their way. I am very sensitive, and I can’t stand being in the same room of that kind of person. It is like torture. Horrible…

Myself I am very sensitive to energy. It’s often quite irritating. I can’t stand being near some people, and when I’m forced to do so it feels like torture. If someone points a finger at me, I can clearly feel it, like a small beam of that person’s energy touching me. When I visit a site on the web, I feel it’s energy.

If you improve your ability to feel energy, you will be able to know how a person is feeling when you come near. It is pretty useful to know what mood a person is in, since that allows you adapt how you act according to it.

thanks you for your advices, it seems that you are far more sensitive to this. Did you were born with the gift or did you were like me and you develope it?
I would like so much to summon love but the problem is that I dont know what is it very well, I maybe can think about it like an state of mind or the energy that permeates all and try to heal everything, but I think I havent feel the power of love yet in myself (or maybe I have and I am not aware), I think if I had enough love I would be already in the steps of mother Teresa.
I think people in general confuse attraction / fascination / sex / or even “ENERGY” with love but that is another topic :tongue:

I have ben able to feel energies for a few years now, but during the last year my ability have gotten nearly twice as strong. At first, I hardly noticed anything but then it increased faster and faster. I’m still getting better. What I’m not able to do yet is to see energy. But I guess that comes sooner or later…

You don’t really summon it. It’s already there. If your good at meditating, you should be able to feel it by going deep into yourself. You just have to bring it out by loving everyone and everything. When you do, you fill yourself with love, and you realize what love really is. If your not too good at meditating, you can practise it anytime. (note that it’s not really neccessary to meditate like crazy… just do it until you learn how to do it at any time. even short periods of time helps) Myself I can meditate whenether I want, but I still usually have me head in the clouds… :tongue:

That reminds me of the psychic ability “empathy” . You might want to check out this site :

tfyp: thanks again for the advices :smile:

A lot of bad chi :devil: in the laundry!!! lol:
Today I was making the laundry in a public place near my departement. After making a lot of laundry I was drying the cloths in two machines while another three were damaged and the last one was used by another person. So here comes this histerical guy that wanted to dry his clothes and thought that I took the three machines. He start to talk so many things out loud to me and I started to get angry, so I turned to see him on the eyes :eek: and then he said: “What are you looking at?” :grrr: , so I decided to calm down and just continue doing what I was doing but when I did this, I notice that I was feeling this “energy” very very strongly!!!. And I am pretty shure wasnt mine but this furius guy bad’s energy. So after a while he went outside to smoke I think and he return a few minutes later to talk with his friend about soccer like nothing happend. I think unconsiusly he was very realifed to get out this bad energy on me. There are two things to remark here:

  1. good chi and bad chi feels the same, at least for me, I am unable to feel a difference.

  2. People sometimes throw to you bad chi and if you are not conscious enough you might continue the chain throwing bad chi to another person.

What I did and I hope it works, is take a bath and imagine that the water will purify me from this bad energy. :grin:

lol, I can feel it. The energy your last post is “loaded” with is worse than the energy in your previous posts. It’s not that bad however, and just a little bit irritating. Myself I have energy problems most of the school days until a couple of hours after school. In order not to spread it to everything I type at the many forums I visit, I try to clean my posts while and after typing them. :tongue: (I often clean up other people’s posts too that I run into that have bad energy)

I’m far from an expert, but I can affect minor things like small texts quite a lot. It’s funny to see how people’s posts at forums gets affected by the posts above them…

From my experience, that works pretty good. Water is cleaning, especially if you put some salt into it. Also, what you visualize can affect energy, so that probably helped a bit too.

tfyp: thank you for your sinceres words, and also for cleaning my post :grin:

next time I will bring de saltcellar to the bathroom lol, with one hand I wash my head and with the other I put a bit salt on it :happy:

now serious thank you for your advices again :smile:

I’ve had this ability for as long as I can remember, and have no idea how I obtained it. But I believe I have an extreme form of empathy. I can almost always tell how a person is feeling just by being by them, and in some cases even feel it myself. Other times I can tell what somebodies thinking, though nothing completely specific. People often comment on how good I am at interacting with beings which other people have alot of trouble interacting with (animals, children, people others call “bitches” or “assholes”). This probebly accounts for my extreme open mindedness. I can normally understand why a person feels the way they do, and can always see the argument from the opposing side. I found a practical use for this in debating and arguments. But I normally feel direct emotional energy in my chest, not my legs.

I can see some peoples Auras. but no color. Just white light.