Competition Rankings for October

Good luck people :smile:

almost two weeks since my last LD…
What am I doing wrong :cry:

I’m in with 2 LDs I had last night :grin:
Courage, Macrophage. I hope your LDs come back :content: .

they did, thanks for that Sider :smile:

one LD :good:

16 so far

Wait, you’ve have 16 LD’s in 6 days? That’s an average of… of… well, I don’t exactly know. But it’s high :wink:.


He must take some sort of drug. And I hope it’s not steroids, cos they make you doo-daa shrink :eek:.

Another LD! That makes 3.

Another LD last night makes 2

2 LDs last night (yippi!!). Total is 4.

Finally i got enough sleep to get my first LD in October :happy:

First LD of the month, too.

One more :cool:

7 ld’s


Had a short WILD this morning.

10 ld’s

I had a LD last night :cool:

This could be a good month

I had a 2 sec LD so I will only count it as a 0.5 LD