Just Cant Do It...

Hello everyone im new to the forum, i registered yesterday, my names dale but you can just call me twiggy or twig whatever.
I have been reading about OBE and Lucid Dreams for a long while now and i really want one, just never seem to get one :sad: I want a lucid dream more than an OBE, I dont really remember my dreams everynight but now and then i remember my dreams and recall thinking i was in a dream, but it doesnt seem to “register” in my mind im dreaming and it doesnt become lucid?
Last night i tried my “best” attempt at havin a lucid dream, i was lieing on my back using the techniques described on this website and telling my self i was going to have a lucid dream, after about an hour and a half i was really annoyed i wasnt falling to sleep, I waited for about another 30 45 mins and realised nothing was happening, i turned on my side and i fell straight to sleep? I never remembered a dream when i woke up and nothing was different. I just couldnt fall to sleep.

Can someone help me maybe or give me tips? Or is this usual for a first time try?
Thx People.

Hi Twiggysmalls!
I love your name! :lol: that’s creative.
Welcome to the forum! :wave:

The DreamDiary section is used for people to share their dreams.(lucid or not :wink: )
I’ll move your topic to “Lucidity Intro” so you can get help to your questions.

When you have a LD it usually “happens” after you have been asleep for some time. It’s very hard to detect the transition from waking into a LD. It’s possible with the WILD method, but not the most easiest method for some people.

How is your dream recall? Do you keep a dream diary?
Dream diaries are essential for lucid dreamers! It also really helps your dream recall, and improve your lucid dreaming skills. I suggest to first work on your dream recall by getting into a dream diary habit.

Also, don’t try too hard.

The method you describe seems like the MILD method.
It is important to keep your intentions to LD in your mind, but don’t let it keep you awake. Truly set your intentions to LD and really believe what you say!

As you continue focusing on your intention to recognize your dream, imagine going through a dream and becoming lucid. Try to visual a dream you had before, but change the scenario so you become lucid in the dream. Repeat your “matra” in this visualization “I will recongize I am dreaming.” “this is a dream” “I am dreaming” etc. etc.
Imagining yourself in a LD might help you fall asleep.

Also, adjust your body to your usual comfortable sleeping position for now. There have been studies by the Lucidity Institute involving sleep posture, and you might have a better chance sleeping in a certain position. However, you should be comfortable.

Some people have quick results with techniques that involve naps. Some swear that naps is the best method to have LDs. There is no “one size fits all” for lucid dreams so you can try a few techniques. :smile:

Goodluck and takecare! :thumbs:

Thanks for that DreamAddict, i appreciate your help
My dream recall is “ok” lol, i remember dreams now and then but not everynight sometimes i wake up remember my dreama nd dont even think about the dream lol, I have recorded a few dreams in a journal and the next time i remember a dream i will start recording again.
Are you saying that i may have a LD still even if i am lying on my side? Thanks for the help :wink:

Oh and soemthing i forgot
I did feel a strange humming sound, a deep one like when the washer is slowing down
Lol, it felt like it was vibrating my whole body.
This happened twice but they both seemed to just stop?

You’ll probably find getting an LD easy with WBTB as well as MILD. That is, set your alarm or something to wake you up in the night (say, six AM).

You can then stay awake for as long as you wish (most people find that staying up for half an hour helps to have an LD). Then go back to sleep and use your tech (MILD you seemed to be trying).

Don’t get exicted. Remind yourself that you may not have an LD. Repeat the mantra (set of words, eg. ‘I will realise that I’m dreaming’) in your head.
Let your body relax. And don’t keep on checking if your falling asleep - you do that and you won’t.

You will probably find RC’s help. Pick two or three and take them throughout the day (even if you’re sure you’re nto dreaming).

And remember, different people have LD’s at different times. It may take you only a couple of days - or it may take you a couple of months. You should just never give up, and hold onto any progress you make.

I’ll just repeat what everybody else is saying. DO NOT TRY TOO HARD. Think of it this way…When you try and get a tape in a video camera fast and with too much force, it wont go in. You have to stay calm and push it in slowly. Same thing goes for Lucid Dreaming. If you try too hard, you are stressing yourself out, and you will not get a Lucid Dream. Just be cool about it and keep a positive mind with you at all times. WBTB as mentioned above is a really good way to get a LD. Everybody says wake up at 6 am…but really, wake up about 4-6 hours after you fall asleep. 6 am for me is when I have to get up to go to school, thus that wont work for me :razz: So yeah… Don’t worry…your LD will come to you soon…hopefully :grin:

Also…just to let you know, it could take months for you to have one. But dont worry about it.

And… hehe… make sure to do several different kinds of RCs repetitivly every day. You will find that when you try using MILD and WILD…you can enforce your lucidity with RCs. Even if you don’t try MILD or WILD and just use WBTB alone…you may do a RC randomly in your dream and become lucid.

little side note: When I do MILD & WILD & WBTB mixed together, almost every time, I don’t enter the dream with lucidity. However, I enter it with some sort of knowledge and in the dream, I end up doing a Reality Check, which of course makes me lucid. So yeah…everybody is different, but that may be the case for you as well. Might as well give it a try :smile:

Everything else is pretty much said by the people above such as DreamAddict. Good Luck on getting your first Lucid Dream. I’ll tell you right now, it is well worth the time, and it is the coolest %$#@ing thing in the whole world. Cya.

That is a typical experience people who do WILD have. It is something that you may experience as your body is going to sleep while your mind is slightly awake. It is a good sign so keep practicing as you were getting very close. With WILD the thing to keep in mind is thinking is your enemy. When you wild you may see, hear, or experience many things. They are all normal and nothing to be afraid of. The important thing is that you do not think about them.

You can find the big WILD topic here. I know it is a lot to read through but the time is worth it.

it took me exactly a month to get a long lucid dream. Before I had the LD I had begun kinda to space it off not have it being the ONLY thing occupying my mind. I just went to bed expeting to have one and doing counting WILD (the same method I used the whole month regaurdless of results)

so I did both auto-suggestion and WILD. Everyone covered everything else so hope this helps you :grin: just dont give up even if you are not getting results if you tell yourself you are not going to get any results you wont… remain positive! :grin:


Thanks for all the help youve given me, i will continue to do all the techniques youve said and hopefully a lucid dream might pop in when im sleeping lol
Thx people

something that may work too is to let lucid dreaming go for a while…take for exampel an one-week-break from trying to have lucid dreams and just focus on getting better on dream recall and writing as much as possible in your dream diary for that one week. Then after that week you could get back with your attempts.

Sometimes you get a lucid dream by just doing nothing and if you didn’t get one in this week, atleast you became better at dream recall which is an important step towards lucid dreaming.

Good luck.

Of course, I’ve had about 20-30 LD’s and I sleep always on my side.

I’m not saying LD’ing is hard, but sometimes you just have to be patient. Concentrating on you dream recall and on your ND’s can help you keep motivation.
There is nothing wrong if you don’t have LD, even if you “try your best” at it. You have to be persistent.

Good luck and happy dreaming!

[size=92]…I remember I was like that a year ago… I read somewhere on the forums “don’t give up with a technique before trying it for some time - at least 2 weeks”, and I thought “wtf? I have to wait 2 weeks? I want my LD now!” :content: [/size]