Want to have longer and more vivid LD's

I’m getting quite good at LD’s now (having them regularly) but there doesn’t seem to be much in their length or quality. I keep telling myself to just stop and look around to increase my lucidity but when I’m actually in the dream I always get caught up in doing something else (flying etc.).

I use the hand rubbing techniques and that occasionally works - I want to try spinning but I don’t know exactly how to do it. I mainly want to have higher lucidity with good visuals and senses like I have had only a few times. At the moment I’m more interested in developing my skills at prolonging and increasing lucidity than actually enjoying myself.

Are these skills I can practise and develop - does anybody have any advice/experiences that could help?


I wanted to ask you your method that you devised in a few months which Dr. Laberge spent 2.5 years perfecting.

I would think that environments in dreams are only as vivid as you know them in reality. As for increasing the length, I haven’t a clue yet. :smile:

Kobrakai… I have been having the same problem. I will become lucid and then I have trouble keeping a hold on it. I try to stop and observe things but… I just can’t seem to keep focus. My problem is that I usually end up having dream sex as I slide out of lucidity and that is so far from what I would like to be doing it frustrates me.

My main goal right now is to work on prolonging and intensifying my lucid states. If I have any luck I will let you know what I did! :wink:

Meditation and Dark Retreats usually increase lucidity.

Dark retreats are when you stay in a dark place for a few days resulting in light sleep, which harbors more lucid dreams.

The Dzogchen like to use it.

Thanks guys, I guess I’ll just have to let vivid LD’s come and go as they choose. I don’t really fancy staying in the dark for a few days, to be honest.

I didn’t devise any method - I just use MILD with WBTB, it has never failed me.

Kobrakai, take a look at the Suneye method that Ben7 posted about. The guy who came up with it claims that it will help LDs become longer and more cogent. I think I’m going to try it tonight. It also supposedly has a 95% success rate.

I have always been curious about that. I got in the habbit of sleeping in a completely dark room, and I mean if you :eek: you wouldn’t know your eyes are open. Also explora was talking about putting a pillowcase to block the light for something. Wouldn’t this mean that sleeping in complete darkness is better?

Maybe something to do with melatonin porduction, I don’t know. I sleep in a room with skylighys which is always as light as outside is. I wish I could have a darker room but I’ve got used to it now.

Is there a site with that suneye method on that I could just read?

I heard the site was down. You originally had to pay to get the method I think… though I don’t know if such a short method is worth anymore than a few dollars.

Basically you focus your eyes on your “third eye” by turning them up and in and relax, giving yourself a short commanding statement like, “Tonight I will dream lucidly.” You do that as long as you can until you either fall asleep or have to give up so you can fall asleep.
Then sleep for six hours, get up and do something mentally active… read about LDing for an hour. Then go back to bed whilst doing the third eye meditation again. Keep doing it while you relax until you feel vibrations in your body. Don’t pay attentio to them just let them happen and at this point you can slip into a conscious dream or exit your body.

I understand what you’re trying to say. For me, “Increase Lucidity Now!” 2 times or more usually help me to become more aware of my choices, etc. Or you can try to act out in RL that you just became lucid and that you want to do this thing… act it out until you believe that you have it memorized in subconscious. Or write the lucid list in order from first to last. :smile: (you can make a list mentally as well, but it doesn’t work at all if you don’t have any desire to memorize it or something similar).

This helps soooo much!! What I like to do is focus on a single object. For example I was in my living room, and it wasn’t all that clear. So I looked at this chair, and when it became crystal clear so did everything else!!! So just focus on a single object, and then everything else will become clear. GOod luck!, bEn

That method is in EWLD, but I’m not ready for WILD’s yet.

I managed to do the spinning technique last night, didn’t realise how easy it was. Weirdly, it transported to my own bedroom, which is a bit pointless, then I woke up.

Do verbal commands really work, or is it just the intention that is having the effect? (ie. why can’t you just look around and concentrate on detail?).

I concentrate on something and it becomes clearer, but I haven’t got a chance to experiment much with increasing lucidity because I have too many things to try in a LD.

You’re not ready for a WILD? What do you mean? Out of any method I’d love to perfect WILD because it’s fun and it guarantees a LD, plus the OBE-like sensation amazes me.

Actually that is a good thought. Making a list of things to do within your dream is a good way to stay focused and lucid.

I mean I’m too busy with MILD at the moment, I can’t have WILD’s - they’re difficult. I always get too excited.