Lucid Cycle, is it possible? Or is there awakening involved?

Hi again, me with my annoying questions. I was wondering … if you manage to stay in your ld the WHOLE time until REM ends what happens? do you wake up? or do you suddenly become unconscious and drift back into sleep? I am sort of hoping for the latter, because it would be annoying if you just keep waking up after each REM cycle when your lucid… OK thanks

I think you become uncounciousness and drift back to sleep.
I can´t know for sure, since I don´t have a machine for monitoring my brainwaves at home, but I see no reason why you should wake up.Having a lucid dream and then loosing lucidity without awakening is definately possible

edit: From what I read you wake up several times each night anyway, you just don´t remember since you fall back asleep so fast.That could also happen, like you wake up for some seconds and then go back to sleep


Set, the rem sleeping time in the rem cycles become longer and longer and in the last part of a 8 hour sleep it is the longest…thats mostly when ppl get lucid. And after that longest rem time ppl wake up. like we all do in the morning. I once forced a ld and rem after 15 minutes of sleep at night (hypnosis) and after that lucid dream ehm i woke up lol (and that was the beginning of my sleep that night). But to be honest, i think anything is possible, it also depends on your talent , your neurological pathways in your brain, hormone levels etc etc. But in the morning after 8 hours of sleep you got a big chance you wake up because your melatonin is lowered in your blood. Like most of us wake up after a ld in morning or a dream. So in the morning most ppl would wake up anyway, at earlier hours of your sleep…mm…no idea…could go both ways lol…waking up as well as sleeping further.

Would be interesting if science would do research on this question!


Yeah, only you’d probably wake up completely, seeing as you’d be thinking about the LD.