one time on acid......

Along time ago, when i wasn’t me, but a different person, i had a really horrible trip on acid where i felt like i went visited chaos. I wont go in to detail, as i feel chaos does not need to be discussed, if you’ve been there, you know its something that leaves a stain on you, its something you would like to forget or plead ignorance. anyway, i remember being so terribly desperate to get out, and be freed, that i was on the verge of doing anything. I remember my mind searching for a way out. And then it happened. I felt my body start to vibrate while i was standing up. I could feel this light, a warm light, shining through me… just then i could feel my self start to lift out of my physical. i felt like i was being pulled above the storm for a second or too, but then i returned. Its nuts, because it cleared my mind just enough to help me to realize what i had to do to escape. It was so beautiful. I physically left the environment i was in and ran down the dark streets until my heart felt as if it were going to explode. I was trying to run away from beast, the chaos. I felt lost, confused. I felt like I had lost my soul. i thought that i was a vampire or a entity forsaken from the light. after some more events took place that required me to find my soul and find home, love, peace, i was there. THe FOG cleared over my eyes and i was sober.

phew some heavy shit. i feel like a human isn’t supposed to experience that on this physical plane, however i was messing with some powerful shit. I learned alot from that experience, it has opened me up to both good and bad things, but now since i know where the darkness is, i know that i can steer away from it and no longer get lost in it.

so i believe that when i started to lift out of my body, i was very close to oobeing because my mind was on overload and was going to evacuate or blast off to save my self. It could have been also that some higher power had lifted me above the chaos so i could see the way out. its all how you interpret it.

any of you guys have experiences that have changed your religion, views, or pushed you farther along the line on mind evolution?

Almost every time I smoke weed I come to some sort of realization that I couldn’t have sober. My thinking expands and becomes so clear. Experiencing nature while high makes me appreciate it so much more. Watching a sunset, witnessing the Earth turning around and understanding the physics, is enlightening. Walking through a canyon I feel the harmony of nature. I see evolution. Every organism has a purpose, and must rely on the purpose of another. I have an understanding of life. It’s beautiful.
I have yet to experiment with shrooms or acid but Im deffinitely looking forward to it.

Yeah, you know, hallucinagens have probably contributed to the overall increase of quality in my life. Without that experience, i most likely wouldn’t have ended up where i am today. And im very happy to be where i am today.

You know whats crazy? When i was at my lows, i was very close to coming to the conclusion that there is no God. I started to believe that life is just all chemicals and atoms and physical matter. However in recent days, i am starting to see the truth… my truth…there is more than meets the eye, and that life is such a wonderful thing that you just have to stop for a moment and look at things. I mean, this whole Lucid Dreaming thing. THis has been around forever. Looking to dreams for answers, realizing that your more than your physical body. Realizing that there is no period at the end of existence.

Not too long ago my dad died of Terminal Lung Cancer. It was a horrible experience. At first i didn’t want to see him go, then i saw how sick he became, how much he wanted to die, and i soon wanted it too. I wanted his release from the pain. Its so amazing, in the last week of his life, he counted down the days to his death. On the 5th day he held up 5 fingers, 4th day 4 and so on. He started to talk to people that weren’t there too. I remember him mumbling that he saw his mom and my moms mom waiting for him, watching.
After he died, there was an emptiness in the air that also was a sense of peace. No more struggling to stay alive and hold on. No more fear of the unknown.

One week later.
I was waking up in the morning. Drifting in and out of consciousness go in from dream to dream. I felt the urge to go to the bathroom, so i got up out of my bed and walked down the hallway. As i was about to turn in the bathroom, i saw this figure standing at the end of the hallway. It was my dad. Immediately emotion over took me and i started crying. He opened his arms, and I ran over to him and gave him the biggest hug. IT was more real than reality. He smelt just like my dad, felt just like my dad, i could feel his warmth. “Oh Clay, how ya doing kid!” he said. I was so overjoyed all i could say was i miss you so much. We both walked into the backroom over the garage of my house and sat down on the sofa. I wish i had kept a journel of what the conversation was, but i wasn’t as interested in dreams at the time so i cant’ remember the conversation completely. It went something like this.

Clay(me): What the hell are you doing here?
Dad: I can’t leave yet, theres unfinished business.

We talked more about some stuff in between, the i asked him:

Clay(me): So what is it like? Whats death like? the afterlife?
Dad: Clay…(he winked at me and patted me on the shoulder) its unlike anything you, or anybody alive, could possibly imagine. People think they know, but they have no idea.
(my mind wandered and was completely blown in different directions from that statement)
Clay: So have you seen Henry yet?(his dad)
Dad: No, not yet, my business here isn’t finished.

I remember him then showing me a scar. It was a huge opening in his chest going down to his stomach almost like he had just recieved surgery. I knew that it was time for him to leave because things started to get a little strange between communication. He moved over to the sunroof and melted into the light. I was so astonished, freakout and bewildered that i ran straight back to my room and jumped in bed and hid under the covers crying. i dont remember ever falling back asleep, just getting out of bed an hour or so later and walking around the house hesitantly.

My dad was 53 when he died. He had been a heavy smoker and was an alcoholic. He always talked about freedom, and how wonderful it was to be free when he was alive, yet he was so shackled to his addictions that he was a huge contradiction. He had caused my mom and I lots of pain, but i think he needed our forgiveness to pass on to the higher realm.

My mom also had visits with him early in the morning, right at that state of sleep/wake. I believe that these were out of body experiences. The room that i talked to my dad in was all the way it was supposed to be in waking reality.

Who knows what this means. I have found out though for myself personally that life after death exists. It has forever changed me.

So anyway, any of you people ever had some crazy stuff like that happen?
please tell so i know im not alone

WHoa… amazing stuff you have described just here… i cannot say i have realy been in such a dream with someone deceased (or was it reality? who knows). But i have used several times salvia in combination with some of the best weeds around here (Amsterdam) and i must say these experiences where petty heavy stuff sometimes. I have the same thing as brickinthewall descibes, at times you have the feeling you are lifted above reality and can see clearly all the things that are around and you hav ethe feeling you understand it. It also feels like you are in complete harmony with the world.
There were also times when i was totally inside myself with only the strangest visions and thoughts, it looks you are totally shut off from this world. Looks like flying in vast space with strange colors all around… and you ave the feeling all there exists is this reality and the Real world is just some mirror you are looking at…

ok i probably dont make sense at all, but these trips are just beyond language anyway, so i was jst trying to write a small impression :smile:

thanks for sharing, it is some very very heavy things you have experienced.
a while ago my grandpa died, in his old bed in the arms of his wife…as it should be. it was very butiful, so quiet and peacefully.
some time after he visited me. I dont remember much how he was becaouse he wasnt himself the last 10-5 years, not that he suffered just that he didnt remember anything, who his children was and so on. well now i met him the way he was when totally healthy. this was no OBE (but your experience absolutley sound as one) and he was what my imagiation made him, but still its very weird meeting someone dead.

yeah, meeting someone thats dead made me question my faith, it made me question my sanity. I’ve began to realize that if you are open to the possibility of everything, it is much easier for you to not go insane. I believe that when someone gets stuck in linear thinking, and like many many people, get brainwashed by other peoples ideals and faith, it solidifies them, making them inflexible… easier to break :eek:

my thought

thanks for sharing guys and gals