seamless dreams

ok Sunday of last week i got up at 9 am, and watched tv. i felt kinda cold so i got back into bed. The power had gone off that night, so i couldn’t tell what time it was, so as i layed there, i kept drifting off to sleep seamlessly and the dreams happened right as i fell asleep, so i dreamed, i was laying in bed and i got up and looked at the time on the computer or something weird like that and I thought i was awake, then i woke up and did it again, except looking at another source for the time. does this form of dreaming have a name?


also i had free time once in class so i fell asleep and i was half asleep and half awake, i had a dream that i was in a grassy knoll and a guy threw a baseball at me, I got scared and litterally jumped in my seat, I looked up and I don’t think anyone noticed but my gf, though she didn’t say anything.

They’re called false awakenings, quite good for getting lucid when you look at your clock or something and its all screwed up.

I have a lot of those…

Mostly I write down a loooong dream in my notebook.
Then I wake up and realise I have to write the whole thing down again…

It can be really tiring sometimes :wink:

Writing down dreams in a dream happened to me, too.

To avoid this I write “REALITY-CHECK” in my dream diary every evening.
So when I wake up, I will see this and do a RC before starting to write down my dreams. I hope that this will help me to get lucid not far in future, too.

But I have another question: Is it also called a “False Awakening” if you dream that you are waking up and doing your regular morning things although you can’t control the sequence of doing these things? Or is it just called a FA if you recognize that you are only dreaming the awakening?

That depends on how you want to define it… I would call both false awakenings. I remeber i had like 5-6 FA after a LD not long ago, did RC’s in all of them and got lucid :happy:

I’ve had false awakenings several times. In two of them, I realised that I was dreaming, but in both times, I awaked directly after realising, so no lucid dreams yet… :frowning:
But after seeing through my dream journal, I’ve found several dreams that ends with me doing my morning stuff or walking down to school bus, so I have a strong suspection of that these dreams are caused becaused of false awakenings. Maybe we do have more false awakenings than we do realise? :wink:

I’ve filled my dream diary in my dreams too. It’s really disappointing when you open it and realize that you had a false awakening at night and you really didn’t write anything.

Since then I’ve been doing RC every time I wake up.