Strange Experience...

Hi, I’m new here. I had my first lucid dream (that I remember) a couple months ago. Since then, I have been able to realize I am dreaming, but never have been able to “hold on” to that thought. I’ve never had another experience as real as my first lucid dream. Are there any ways to help “hold on” to the realization that I’m dreaming?
Aside from that, last week I experienced something very strange. While I was taking a nap during the afternoon, I was awakened by my roommate who was leaving the room to go into the living room. I lied in bed, pondering whether or not I should get up. While doing this, I sort of “imagined” myself getting up, walking down the hallway, and sitting down on the couch watching TV with my roommate. Now, this isn’t the strange part, because this has happened before… I’ll be too tired to get up, and my mind will kind of “act out” what I would do if I did get up (this might sound weird, so just ignore it if it does). Anyway, the strange part is that while I was dreaming (?) all of this, I could feel my entire body vibrating (that’s the best word I can think of to describe it). It was the same feeling you get when your foot is asleep, but it was all over my whole body. This freaked me out, but intrigued me at the same time. When I woke up, I could remember the dream, but it didn’t feel like it was anything more than a dream. However, I’m sure that the “vibrating” was real.
Does anyone have any answers to what I experienced?

This thread (which btw is still on the first page) has the answer, … .php?t=329 :smile:

Yep! I’m pretty sure u experienced a WILD :slight_smile: Vibrations are a sign that a WILD has occured. BTW…in case u didnt know…WILD is a dreaming technique.