A question, hopefully this wont offend anybody.

Im a christian, I know Jesus Christ as my personal lord and saviour. Im wondering if anybody else, who is a christian like me, could have LDs. This is speculation, but I dont know if I can have one, then again, I’ve only tried one night e.e

anyone can have lucid dreams. doesn’t matter what religion you are. and no it’s not a sin

Freecube, if u can dream and remember them you also can have lds :smile:


I’m Christian and know of other Christians that have had LDs. Please don’t believe it has anything to do with Witchcraft or demons. It’s a sad mistake that often gives lucid dreams a bad impression, and also starts ‘beginners’ with an unnecessary fear. Like Jeff says, Lucid dreams are as safe or safer than normal dreams.

haha witchcraft and demons. can u be sure it has nothing to do with that? lol…

Hi, Freecube. I’m a Christian, I lucid dream, and I think lucid dreams are simply a natural phenomenon, the product of a creative mind. Like daydreams or thoughts, dreams can be productive or destructive, depending on how you use them.

I’m a christian and I lucid dream as well. Why would you think there is anything wrong with LDing? You should read the book The Sun and the Shadow: My experiment with lucid dreaming by Kenneth Kelzer. He is a christian and he writes about his faith and lucid dreaming.

I’m not a christian, but I’m still interested - would doing something bad in a LD still count as sinning? Because there’s no real consequence, but you’d still be taking pleasure in doing something you’re not supposed to. I’m not sure.

Excellent question. Actually, Christ talked a lot about the mind. He said that any action always begins in the mind, so what we think and meditate on can eventually work its way into our behavior.

Of course, not everyone who fantasizes about doing something acts on it. Still, our thoughts affect our character, our emotions, our attitude, etc. It’s something to consider.

Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with doing things in dreams that defy natural law (like flying). However, I have to remember that what I think affects things, even if they affect only me.

I am a Christian, and I have had many lucid dreams.

I agree with what Sage Goddess says.

My belief is that dreaming and lucid dreaming are wonderful gifts that we have been given by God. Just treat them with a Christian attitude as you would anything else in life.

Well said sleepyhead! :smile:


I’m am a Christian…I guess, though am kinda unsure. I have had many LDs, many amazing. You have forgotten the importance of dreams in the Bible. Was it not Gabriel who came to Mary (or was it her husband I forgot srry) in a dream to tell her that her son is the son of god, and is to be named Jesus. There’s all these other dreams too, even an OBE somewhere in there.

And, in a personal message to the original poster, I really think you shuold have a look at the torah/old testament and Jewdiasm. If yuo read it well, you’ll see that many of the Prophecies for the Messiah never came true, and that GOd can never come down in human form nor that anything in the Torah can be undone (for example all the laws, etc). LIke, did you know that if a women commits adultery, you are to take her to the city square and the villagers stone her to death. HOw the hell did it go from “Eye for an eye” to “if he hits yuo in one cheek, turn the other so he can hit it too” COndsider this, please, before you decide to be Christian. gtg, Ben

Ben: To clarify, Gabriel “visited” Mary to announce that she would give birth to Christ (from the text, it appears that she is awake during this visitation), whereas he appeared to Joseph in a dream to tell him the same thing.

And you are correct, dreams do figure prominently in the Bible.

One more thought …

This topic could easily degenerate into a fight. Let’s keep it friendly here, folks!

Ok, but consider this. Envy (ie. one of those infamous seven sins) is just a “thought-crime”, you don’t have to act upon it for it to count. So perhaps the act of thinking something can count as a sin.

Although to be honest, I don’t really care.

Actually, that was the point I was trying to make, that you don’t have to act on the thoughts for the thoughts to be wrong (i.e., sin).

Sorry … lack of sleep is keeping me from communicating well! :cool_laugh:

There is nothing wrong with lucid dreaming at ALL…

there’s only one way i think it could be bad,… is if you lucid dream and purposly turn into a demon or something and go around killing people and torturing people because it brings you pleasure to do that…

doing that can mess up your mind,.

I dont think God would ’ punish ’ you for that thou,. because really in truth you are actually punishing yourself by wanting to do evil shyt like that…,because when you train your mind to think like that, you become a person that only thinks about themself and not others, which can cause you to be very ignorant, which will cause problems for you in life

I’m not Christian… but im pretty sure that Jesus himself had lucid dreams or OOBE s

cuz anyone who is so self aware as him, surely had a strong mind, and most likely did not have normal dreams…

here’s a thought… lucid dream, and meet Jesus,. or any God of your realigion, whatever religion you are,… it will help you have a more personal relationship with God… which will help you understand what God is: everything

I think it’s just we’ll be more … I don’t know how to put this. But If we keep to our normal ideals-whatever they are even though you’ve got more “powers” and opportunities it can be a road to grace.

by the way I’m a Roman Catholic, attend church and try to improve… normally failing . But I know God loves everyone so let’s live and let live.

I’m glad of the chance to be a witness. I never thought I would be brave enough.
:confused:tupid: :content:

The way i see it, it will be better to fullfill your evil deads while dreaming than doing it in real life, i dont see any prople letting go of your frustrations while you are dreaming. It is better to do “evil” stuff in your dream and wake up and never think about doing the stuff you did in a dream

Well … we all think about things we never actually do …

But then again, there are very few people sitting in jail who didn’t fantasize about their evil deeds first before actually doing them.

Sometimes destructive thoughts have a way of growing into monsters and getting control of you. Just something to consider.

And I’m not saying you think about things that you should be put in jail for. Just making a point.