Just a theory...

Alright, not only is this my first topic, this is my first post on the forum, so Hi to everyone ('cept for Brad, as I am already unfortunate enough to know that guy…). But I was reading his PsiPog thread (I introduced that particularl site to him) and all the TK-talk reminded me of something I was thinking about a while ago. Malleability in different planes.

Now, my own personal thing about Astral Projection and its whole loose-physics tpye structure, which I’ve never done but know enough about to consider my knowledge sophomoric, is that the main reason people are able to manipulate things so easily on that particular plane is that they go into it (if they’ve heard of it before from accounts of other people) expecting to be able to shape and form objects at will, and even if a person were the only astral projector in their area and had never heard of someone else doing it, they would be still willing to experiment with it (same type o’ thing as a lucid dream, the first thing many people wanna do after discovering that they are “awake” inside of their dream is test their boundaries…at least thats what I do…).

Back to TK and the lowest of the known planes, the physical…I’m not exactly sure how to say this as my thoughts don’t always translate well into teh wordage. But, while I believe the laws of this particular plane are more…definite than those of the astral plane, they still are able to be stretched…a little bit…but it would require a big mind trick. Like in one book on Astral Projection that people, after experiencing an OBE were wondering why their hands would pass through doors, yet the floor would stay perfectly solid under their feet. The thing with TK is, I believe, you have to expect it to happen…a suspension of disbelief (or previous belief, whatever you wanna call it). I guess that could be the same thing with ‘phasing’, as they call it…whatever.

If whatever the heck I just typed made sense, I’m surprised, but thats my first two cents…or whatever. Thanks in advance for readin’ my ramblin’.

Have you had an OOBE before? If so, how many? Describe, I’m hella curious :wiske:

Welcome to the forum, Ananse!

Anyways, you should introduce yourself in the Sticky Topic “Hi I’m New Here” or something like that. Lots more people read that.

Interesting theory, though. You’re talking about a “The Matrix” sort of situation, right? There is no spoon??