Does anyone play ddr?

Just wondering. Because its fun. And makes neural connections in your brain. ^.^

What is ddr?

I don’t need to pay money to look like an idiot. :wink:

Nah, I’m just kidding. I can see how it might be fun if you didn’t mind generic dance music and the possible risk of getting fit. The PC version is utterly pointless though, unless you want to throw your keyboard on the ground and jump on the appropriate keys in time with the music.

Tomas: DDR = Dance Dance Revolution. You stand on this platform, and the point of the game is to step on squares as they light up in time with the music. Apparently this is known as ‘dancing’. You get points for hitting the right squares at the right time.

I had no idea what the heck it meant(ddr), you like that game Atheist?

I’ve never played it, and I’m probably not going to. I’ve seen it plenty of times though. I think there are 8 of them now.

I suggest you try it atheist! Its a very good party game if you have the home version ^.^

Of course I look like the biggest idiot up there, and I don’t care cuz I don’t pay for it. I’m the person playing until I’m DRENCHED in sweat. ^.^
I’ve played until literally my legs couldn’t hold me. Try it. ^.^

Sure Athiest, you know you want to jump on the machines and give it everything you have.

So your the person that i always see at the arcade taking that game way to serious. Maybe you’ll be a great dancer :wink:

heh heh heh heh, na. Not likely. ^.^ I enjoy the game, I don’t mind to get beat, I just mind when I don’t live up to my own preset accomplishments. ^.^

could someone explain what ddr is? Sorry, I’m a bit behind the times I guess :grin:

There isn’t much to it, but damn did it get popular fast.

DDR is a very deep and meaningful spiritual journey with a gripping storyline.
You see arrows on the screen, you step on the corresponding arrow on the pad that you buy prior to buying DDR (or if you’re really cheap you press the appropriate direction on the control pad)

you must step on the arrow in the appropriate time it tells you to (the arrows scroll up from the bottom of the screen and whenever they hit the line near the top of the screen you’re supposed to step on the pad. Miss and it’s deducted points, do it exactly when it’s on the line and it’s more points.

Plus it’s great fun trying to play Mortal Kombat while using the dance pad.

infectionO wrote Plus it’s great fun trying to play Mortal Kombat while using the dance pad.
That sounds more entertaining and might even convert Atheist! :happy:


Me and I love it, my icon comes from the game

I have a gif of iori from kof playing ddr. More over, losing and slamming the pad because of it. ^.^

Do you think you could beat me?

Well I’m currently a decent player light, I just got ultramix a few weeks ago…
but I figure I can take you to school :content:

EDIT: Ultramix has online play so I can face you in that if you have xbox :wink:

Heh…I’m obsessed with this game. We just got a machine on campus, and I was ecstatic… I already have some decent home pads, a PSX-USB converter, and a simulator for my computer (which has almost every DDR song in existence)…

I’d like to think I’m good (can beat Afronova on Maniac, other 8-foot/9-foot songs) but there are people here on campus who absolutely put me to shame. There’s actually a DDR club, which goes around to tournaments and such.

DDR is the only thing in my life which resembles exersize…

You say you can school me? Are you sure about that? I’m not half-bad.

I was just joking, I’m still relatively new myself. :content:

ahh. I was about to say… ^.^