never did that before...

i’m not quite sure if this was a FLD or a low-level LD, but i was trying to sneak away from my old high school and somebody was smuggling me off school grounds in her car

the thing was i had turned invisible as i followed her to her car and walked through the car door so nobody would see it open and close of its own accord seeing as how i was invisible and all

my question comes here… i have never gone invisible in an LD (or an ND for that matter) before or even attempted it. has anybody else spontaneously performed some dream magic that they never could do before (watch me have a proper LD and not be able to duplicate the results :roll:)

yes i have. I can’t recall much off hand but i certainly remember being invisible in 2 sepurate dreams. One was me being much like a ghost watching other people but not trying to interact the other was being able to do it at will.

Both of these were ND, i’ve never actually thought of trying it in an LD though.

This tends to happen to me in very low level LD’s or in my normal dreams, there are several things I cannot do in my usual high level LD such as transorming people, but I have done these in ND