Visual perception 'slowing down' upon waking

For the past few days I’ve had something very strange occur to me. I wake up, suddenly, often by a sound, or frightened. It occurs especially when my alarm clock goes in the morning and I want to turn it off. I wake up, and as I try to get up as fast as possible physically to turn off the damn annoying alarm clock noise, my visual perception, the way I see things, is WAY off. It’s choppy, like I see every fifth frame of a movement! Also my physical movement is somewhat strange. As soon as the alarm clock is off and I calm down I see all my bed covers are on the floor, as I dragged them from my bed when trying to get up. (My alarm clock stands about 1,5 meter from my bed) I don’t know, but this thing is pretty scary. I’m actually moving towards the alarm clock before I’m fully conscious, not to mention the whole chopped vision that also seems like it’s slowed down, in time. Has anyone ever experienced anything like that? o_O

It’s probably because your brain isn’t quite awake yet and since you are used to doing it, your body can probably do it automatically. Without you having to wake up completely. I too have to get up to turn of my alarm clock. Sometimes i have even managed to turn it off and not remember doing it when i finally woke up.

Very interesting.

I think if you were seeing every 5th frame, then that would mean you would appear to be moving extremely fast. So is it like, you see a frame, and then it stops on it for a few seconds?

Well, anyways, I think this is probably the fact that your eyes are storing light for longer than they are useful to move around in this external world. Like a camera with a slow shutter rate.
See how you can make use of it, perhaps there is a larger creative function of this.
Either way it doesn’t sound very harmful, so don’t be scared. You can always ignore it.


It’s pretty obvious what the problem is. Your brain is running on old drivers, you need to update to the latest ones. A new video card would definetly help too. <.< >.>

That’s most likely the case. The thing is, I get a short adrenaline rush, like I’m scared or panicked. It’s like ‘Shut off that alarm clock or die!!!’

The most annoying thing is that it’s happened multiple times this week, and that each time I pull all the covers off my bed. Hn… I might be stressed or something, or developing an alarm clock phobia…

It’s kind of like the latter. It’s like I see shots of the movement (often even in something that’s more like 2D vision than 3D) that pause and then move on to the next. o_O

I wish I could ignore it, but it seems to be almost an instinctive reaction as soon as the alarm goes off, to turn it off as soon as possible. Maybe I should buy a new alarm clock, seeing as how the sound of the current one is eardrum-piercing horror…

Good one, I may have to install a feb GB of memory as well. <_<

I think that perhaps being experienced with LDing has simply made you aware of something the rest of us block out. I agree that it’s probably harmless.

Hey, try playing around with it! Throw an object in the air, and watch it fall to the ground. Or better yet, try jumping in the air over your bed, and see if you “float”!

Turn the volume of your alarm clock down, or change it so it’s on a radio station (with either music you like, or calm music).

When I use to put my alarm clock on louder, every more my I would wake up with me heart beating and moving towards the alarm clock before I’ve even realised what’s going on (no funny vision though).

Good one! I should really just buy a friendlier alarm clock. The whole shock of the loud noise seems to trigger some adrenaline-fear-danger reaction that causes the sudden movement and weird vision. @_@

Maybe I’ll switch to the alarm of my mobile phone - I already use it for WBTB because it’s not so loud at 5 am ^_~