Can you induce emotions and feelings in LD's?

I always forget to try this.

Also, I’m gonna try taking heroin in an LD to see if it works.

I’ve gotten myself drunk in a dream once (not a lucid dream though). It wasn’t exactly a ‘real’ drunkeness feeling, but I was dizzy and my vision was blurry…kinda fun. :razz:

Something to try though…if it’s possible it may be a way to cure drug addictions! :happy:

I never took drugs in a lucid dream (always other things to do) BUT once I smoked pot in a normal dream and DJEEZ the effect cannot be compared with waking-life THC. It was awesome! One more advantage: smoking pot in dreams doesn’t kill your dream recall :wink: .

I have a friend who smokes in his dreams all the time, and he thinks its really nice. The funny thing is that he’s never smoked a real one :smile:

Funny that, I sometimes find myself smoking in dreams, but it is something which I have never done in real life.
I really do enjoy it when I dream about it :smile:

When i go to bed drunk i often feel drunk in my dreams.
I also have smoked a joint within dreams,and i got some effects (but not quite the same as in “real life”)
What i really want to try someday is to eat mushrooms or something within a lucid dream.
But be careful,i think there might be similiar effects from “dream drugs” as from "real psychedelics.
Well,perhaps it is easyer to stand the experiences cause in dreams you are used to very strange things.Another advantage is that there are no foreign substances in your body.
Btw,these dreams are called “high dreams”

happy world tripping

Oh yes,another thing i wanted to ask:

Anyone ever meditated in a dream? Made Tai Chi,chanted a mantra or something like that?


a friend of mine once dreamt he was meditating and then having an OBE. He said it was a strange feeling.

For the drugs: I made a Calea Z. tea a few days ago and had a dream in which I was carrying the wet leaves (which I did not drink with the tea) and pouring this crap into a bin in my dream. Although I had no Calea-feelings (are there any?) I smellt the typical bitter CZ-aroma. I think that taking drugs in dreams may also make you feel as if you had taken them in real life.

Once i took LSD in alucid dream and it gave me a little kick indeed. Yesterday a dream character gave some cocaine to me…it did not have an effect on me. I think believing is the biggest point when dealing with these issues…