Helping.....yourself?... (pls read its weired)

I have had 2 ludid dreams in the past 3 days and the main reason or me realising it was a LD was because of my dream characters…
for some reason (both times) they were speaking to me like you guys on the fourms. I was just doing somthing minding my own buisness and this woman out of the blue came to me and smiled. She said “you are dreaming” poof I am thinking sweeeeeeet. I go “ok I wanna do this and that and blah blah” I was trying to do certain things, but I just…couldn’t I would try so hard to do the simplest things and failed miserably. My dream character would come up to me and reminded me of things the people told me in these fourms like it will happen, if you expect it to happen. In a way she was like… a mentor… I was very confused on why this happend a dream character helping you to be lucid?!..
another thing was I say this … character twice, in my 1st LD and the 2nd one… has anyone have a explanation for this? :eh:

What you need explanation for?Where dream guides come from?Why you?
Just be happy man:)not many get such a hints:)
Try to keep this relationship…ask for her guidance before sleep.Take care of it,it seems valuable like hell:)
good luck:)

heheh.I learned about lucid dreams five days ago.On the third and fourth day I started to have lucid dreams.(couldn’t control it well though):):):):):):):):)I’m so happy!

maybe i’ll start telliing you guys my dreams.6th day I’m still doin good.
Day1:Had sex with Buffy Tyler.Yaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!:):):):):):):):slight_smile: (to be continued.)

What technique are you using? Or what combination?

i just use a dream journal,will myself to have a lucid dream,and use dream signs.I guess it depends what kinda person you are.But this is the 9th day now and no more LD’s.:sad:

I am not really using a technique at the moment.
I was woken up and just went back t sleep (kinda like WILD I guess)