Meditation Help

im looking to get started in meditation. awhile back i found a very nice site that was great help in getting me started. but it fell by the wayside and i need the site again. but i cant find it. anyone know a good site fora beginner?

Nope sorry!

What is your goal? That is an important question because u have so many forms of meditation!


Ah yes, good ol’ meditation. :happy:

Well as Jeff said above there are many different types of meditation. But the main purpose of meditation is to improve concentration, increase general awarness and to clear the mind.

Basically there are two simple types of meditation, active and passive.

Active meditation is one that a lot of people don’t realise that you can do. For active meditation just find some task that you have to do repeatedly and that follows a pattern. Now because meditation is basically just focusing on something and aiming all your concentration at it, this task you are performing continually can be a form of meditation. Just make sure it doesn’t require any thinking, something like, swimming laps slowly - concentrate on the pattern of the stroke, keeping the mind free of irrelevant thoughts. Get the idea?

Passive meditaion you would probably have heard of. The easiest form of this meditation is to sit cross leggged on the floor or something comfortable and to keep your back straight. Put your hands into fists and place them on your knees, palms up.

You can either have a candle flame in front of you to concentrate on or just close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Just feel the breath coming in and filling your lungs and body with energy and then going out. Feel relaxed after every breath.

Be conscioius of any thoughts that enter your mind. Do not analyze them, don’t try to hastily push them away or harness them, gently imagine them floating away on a cloud. Remember you want to clear you mind of all random thought and just focus on the breathing. Do this for a time that is comfortable for you, say 5 minutes to start of and then slowly increase the length as you progress.

I cant stress enough how important it is to persevere. Even if it seems impossible, just keep trying you’ll soon start to see the fruits of your labour, something that is also described amongst this forum as Lucid Living.

Here is a very comprehensive site on meditation:

Hoped this has helped. :wink:
