GOod job mabus!, please tell us more. What was your WILD like? did you get the vibrations like they said?

hehe i found a typo :smile:

I didn’t really feel the fibrations. My body felt numb and it felt like I was sinking. Once I felt like I was sinking I simply willed myself out of my body and opened my dream eyes.

Which method did you use, Mabus? Give us some more details!!Share the wealth!

Focusing on the third eye is hard and it hurts my eyes! I understand how it is to work, but is it really necessary to focus as described? Isn’t it possible to injure your eye muscles by trying too hard?

Pilot… obviously you shouldn’t keep going if you are really hurting yourself but as with any other muscle in your body, using it more often will make it stronger. Its an action that you aren’t used to. Do it only as long as you can stand and then let it go and come back to it later.

One of the accounts in the Method I file talked about only being able to do it for a few moments at first and with practice increasing that time.

I’m kind of excited to read this method over and try it out. Thanks for sharing with us, ben7. :content:

Well I don’t regularly go to bed early enough to get 6 hours of sleep, sit around for an hour :eek: , then sleep again. I stayed up a couple of minutes then went back to bed and had some crazy dreams :alien: . Very vivid. Fell overboard and ended up crawling up the nets of a near fishing boat.

I can focus on my third eye for like 4 minutes straight now. Its easier with my eyes open though. Anyone notice this?

My eyelids blink a damn lot with this, kinda like when I begin to WILD… but this night I didn’t have everything, but I think I did it wrong :razz:

Thats what I mean sorta. When I close them for a while they get all. . . twitchy

Me too. Thats kind of weird that its so much easier to do it with them open. Well, practice will make perfect. I wish I had a good night for trying this out tonight but I have classes tomorrow. Oh well… I’m going to try it as soon as possible.

Trying it right now. I’m 17 minutes through my hour-awake period…hopefully I can stay awake that long. Well, so far I had a LD during my first sleep, It was really cool, people turning into birds and like testing this new bird-transforming-into-device. When it was my turn I became Lucid. Didn’t get to fly, though :sad: . I woke up as soon as I realized, and, to my surprize, it was almost exactly 4:00, the time I planned to get up for it! Pretty cool, eh? I’ve always been able to do that, wake myself up at the time I think when I go to sleep. Who needs alarm clocks, I have an internal one. So anyway, wish me luck, in thirty-five minutes I go back to sleep and have my clearest, longest-lasting LD ever! Okay bye goodnight…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I noticed that when I was doing the third eye thing i was tensing other muscles in my body. I also got the eye twitching, felt funny :cheesy: but then I also got these waves, or its hard to explain, ive had them before and i dont think their associated with sleep paralysis since sometimes I get them when Im awake also, or I used to get them when I was a kid and would lie down on my couch… not anymore though

I had alarm clock set at 5, I woke up at 4 thought if i should wake up now, but decided to go back to sleep. 5 my alarm went off so even though I could have gone straight back to sleep I got up went to toilet washed my face with cold water and tried to go back to sleep. ended up being awake for 2 hours since i couldnt get back to sleep, then it was time that I would normally get up for school, so It really screwed up my good 8 hour sleep, and left me with 6 hours and no lucid dreams, or any dreams to be correct…
not giving up yet though. will try again tonight, but wont stay up at night, will just wake up to put the alarm clock off…

Well I’ll keep trying without straining my eyes so much… One thing I should mention is that you should use this method every other day, or don’t try too hard at the begining. The author either failed to include this in his files, or I must have missed it but anyways:

I’m not trying to scare people away from using this method, but it’s always a good thing to include any possible hazzards in any method.

Right on Pilot. I have been practicing the third eye technique and I must admit I do have a little bit of a headache. Im not sure if its related though because I really haven’t been pushing it hard.

I think I am going to try this technique tonight. I don’t really have to get up for anything tomorrow (since I’m between jobs… ugh) so I can take my time with it. I’m excited!

hey, for the third eye thing, alot of you say it is straining. have you guys done the thing with the ruler? like the 3 inches or whatever. its somewhere in the methods. I think a few of you may be focusing your eyes too high.

ok i’ll be more specific

i followed the instructions provided in method 1

i slept six hours, stayed up for an hour, went back to bed and when i woke up my body was paralyzed

i felt like i was sinking into my bed and into the floor and my conciousness just left my body then i slowly opened my dream eyes and was in an LD

For me 3 inches is makes the point of focus the little peak of the blind spot that comes down from the middle of my vision.

Anybody else get like a 5 second burst of color in their vision within the first 10 seconds of starting the technique?

I decided last night that it was way too cold to get up and wash my face with cold water, so I’ll give it a go tonight instead. The method seems ok, though there is a bit of it I simply can’t do.

Sleeping at an angle (wich makes sense when I invoke my entire imagination) simply isn’t a possibility. I don’t particularly feel like raising one end of my bed somehow, and I really don’t feel like creating a makeshift (and potentially dangerous) ramp at the top of my bed.

Also, Methods I, III and IV are all VERY close to being the same document. Conducting a breif comparison revealed that IV and III are exactly the same document, with the word ‘III’ changed to ‘IV’. Also, both III and IV contain the entirety of Method I. Seems a little bit unnecessary to me.

Not to waste precious posting room or anything, but… ditto.

Well, I don’t know the reason III and IV are the same but I think they’re just different copies of the same technique. Like, he discovred sleeping at an angle helps some people out so later versions included it? Maybe? I don’t think you have to sleep at an angle. He says method one works great for a lot of people.