Sleeping Problems

Recently, I’ve started having trouble falling asleep. I just spent 1.5 hours trying to get in a “quick” afternoon nap. It’s almost as bad at night, at least its dark right? :content: The problems falling asleep are only intensified if I try a tech like MILD or WILD. Any suggestions? :shy:

I was reading some older messages and beyond dreaming I have a few ideas now like the staring technique, but I’m still very interested in what everyone has to say.

i had trouble falling asleep for the first week of LDing, but i fixed that problem now. i tried warm milk, taking a little nyquill, etc. they helped a little, but i didn’t want to have to do that everynight. what i realized was that i was to eager and had my mind on dreaming so much when i tried to fall asleep that it was keeping me up. i always can fall asleep in the middle of the night, and since you hardly have any dreams when you initially fall asleep i figured i’d just clear my mind when i first go to sleep. then i set my alarm for 6 hours and when i awake i think about LD’s etc.

are you trying to go to sleep earlier than you usually do? that can make it harder to sleep as well, if you start going to sleep earlier your body has to get used to it. if that’s the case it shouldn’t be too long till your body gets used to the new schedule.

one last thing i wanna add… don’t worry about staying awake. i noticed that if i think to myself, “I hope i fall asleep quickly…” or, “I hope I don’t have trouble staying up…” that my fears come true and i end up staying up. just be confident you’ll fall asleep right away.

hope i helped, if not… i tried :smile:

Well I really haven’t changed my schedule, 10 minute difference at most.
I’ll try not worrying about staying awake but its so hard! The more I try not to worry the more I will. :sad:

type insomnia in google and visit the sites, they often have good tips.

I also had this type of problem. Avoid naps first off, and wake up in the morning earlier. Keep a regular sleeping schedule. Good luck!