lucid / out of body experience

is it possible to roam the physical world while lucid?

like for example going to the moon, seeing it for what it is in the physical world, rather than what you want it to be at the moment…

…or why not taking a look at what’s REALLY inside area 51.

or are those trips bound to out of body experiences?


didn’t think before posting.
i spose this question has been asked a milllion times or so.


Lucid means you are aware of the fact that you dream, nothing more!
What you are talking about is called an obe!


I don’t have to be lucid to know that our government is hiding extraterrestrial craft at Area 51. Just ask Bob Lazar what goes on there.

Jeffs right.I just want to add that in OBES it may work in a very similar way.From what i experienced and read about other people OBES are usually mix of dimensions-ours and lds like ones.So you might actually see how it is on the moon as it is but it will be prolly influenced by what you think it may be and all uncouncious thoughts.
Thats why its so hard to get "real"pictures cause the matter we deal when obeing is very similar to one we have in lds-thoughts(including those you have not realizing it) can have an effect on it all.

I believe there are two levels of ‘OBEs.’ One between dreaming and awake… and second one beyond dreaming… beyond REM stages.

Mixed dreaming and reality, I believe what you are talking about is type one OBE’s. It’s between dreaming and awake stage. You see why it is conflicting with reality since it’s so close to dreaming and your subconscious? Type two is more like a NDE. It unleashes the power of reality without any fake stuff conflicting in with your experience.

Hey, I’m not saying that type one isn’t worth to experience at all. I think you should keep going ahead with it. :content: It can be a cool experience. It’s an unique experience. :biggrin: