My ADD medicine is making me unable to sleep! Help me


My internet service seems to be acting up so I won’t be able to reply to the thread until it’s fixed.

tell whoever perscribes it for u that it effects u in such a way. obviously its having serious side effects.

It seems most medicines for ADD have similar side effects. If the food thing is bothering you, eat as soon as you get up(assuming you find a solution to the sleeping issue). As for the sleeping, you could try not take pills close to bedtime. Of course that depends on how many per day you are prescribed.

If nothing heps, take solace in the fact you’re not alone. My brother is on a sizeable dosage of dexedrine which gives him similar effects. He bitches that he hasn’t slept for 3 days. In truth he occasionally slips into somesort of comatose-trance-like state with his eyes open. He just doesn’t realize it. :confused:


You should realise your being prescribed speed

ADD tablets contain anphetamines, if you take a few too many trust me you won’t get to sleep at all that night.

Amphetamines apparently shrinks the stomach so thats why it could be hard to eat.

Maybe you should reconsider your dosage, or time of dosage.

And i think smoking bowls would be a bad idea as you probably won’t be getting of this medication soon and could become an everday habbit, which is not good at all.

Actually smoking a bowl is a great idea. I have ADD and used to take adderall. It wouln’t help you get to sleep, But smoking a bowl is always a good idea :wink:

I had that problem as well. When do you take it. when i started they had me two in the morning and one in the afternoon. i stoped taking the one in the afternoon because it made it hard to sleep.

Also something to look into. st. johns wort is suposed to help out. its a herbal supplement and contians no anphetamines.

The only problem is you have to take it for a few weeks to get your system used to the chemicals befor it actually starts to take effect.

one time i took 12 ridalin pills, don’t remember how many mgs a pill…i wasn’t really thinking clearly when i took them. I was hyper all day, all night, and the next day, and all the next night, by that morning i finally crashed and fell asleep and slept all day and all that night. It was a lot of fun i guess, but being around people isn’t good, cause you don’t shut up and u might slip something you don’t want to tell people. I could deff enjoy just laying in my room with that and playing guitar. Helps to stay awake if you want to pull an all nighter

P.S. whoever said it, speed is methamphetamine, ADD meds are amphetamine like you said, they aren’t the same, speed gets you and much more messed up.

uh oh! Sleepy’s not Sleepy! what next?

You might want to read this:
Some talks about alternatives to medicine…

lucid sky dreams. not only dose it help to stay up if you wanna pull an all nighter, but if you’ve stayed up too late and are afraid you wouln’t be able to get up on time the next morning you can take one and go to sleep. It will wake you up in about an hour.

I don’t pretend this is healthy in the least. in fact its the farthest thing from healthy, but you feel excellent when you wake up, like you can conquer the world, and anyway, if you’ve read any of my posts on the shortcuts board you’d know alot of things i do are unhealthy so pleas no lectures.

Also, anphetamines are speed. they are in the same group of chemicals. Methanphetamines are simply an extemely potent typ of anphetamine. and ridallin is pretty far down on the anphetamine power chart.

Also don’t cunfuse taking speed with smoking crack. Most people, especialy college students, use speed to stay up and study before test and such. They are gennerally a sleep prevention tool and not takin’ to get f***ed up.

I know what your saying about amphetamines being speed cause they make ya hyper and they are really close, but the street name for speed refers to crystal meth, methamphetamine, it’s A LOT more potent and a lot more unhealthy. But I’m liking that idea about taking one or two and going to sleep and waking up awesome, I’ll have to try it now. :happy:

There is no deffinate name for both, where i come from amphetamine is speed and methamphetamine is meth or crystal meth as well as all the other nicknames they both have. And i’m sure this differs in different city’s/countries/areas etc.

Just had a look at a site and Adderal is anphetemine, while ritalin is methylphenidate which is a weaker alternative to anphetamine.

my friend has a bottle of ridalin, and she doesn’t even have ADD! lol. Just thought i could share that. I wish i had some right now actually cause I wanted to stay up all night and watch this set of dvd’s I got. To bad! I’m borderline ADD, I don’t take any meds for it though. I take meds for depression and borderline skitzo. Sometimes they mess me up but not that much that i stay up or anything.

lucid sky dreams, if you want to stay up theres allways coffee.
and if not that gass station speed.

Stop taking it, ADD is the biggest bullshit I’ve ever heard. It is quite natural to want to thinka bout something interesting rather than listenening to usually boring school stuff. Don’t buy into that bullshit, stop taking your ADD medication, and the problems go away. By the way, I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger. My mom decided not to put me on any ritalin. I’m fine now, my grades are great.

yeah i think most of that psyciatrist/therapy stuff is a bunch of dog poop. They are just making up some stuff to tell you so you go there and pay them a lot of money to listen to you complain about your problems. Well I don’t like to complain, it’s a waste of time when i could be doing something fun.

“That’s a really nice suit, this is a really comfortable chair, but your not really listening, you don’t even care.”

Even if it does do nothing, chances are he/she will not be able to concentrate because of like a placebo effect. His/Her mind has associated taking the pills with being able to concentrate.

And I’m not totally that ADD is bullshit, my sister has it and she says there its almost impossible for her to concentraate without medication.

Also, if it didn’t accually exist then everyone could be diagnosed with it right? But they arn’t. So even if its not a horrible disase, some people still have trouble paying attention. And not paying attention is a problem. Medication not definatly neccesary, but you can’t say its bullshit. There are definatly some people who can’t concentrate as well as other and to make a name for these people you could say that they have ADD. Thats basically all it is, so some people do have ADD though it may not be a serious as its made out to be.

I agree, except for the placebo effect on me anyway. I definately know the difference in pay attention is huge with the meds. It’s a pain in the butt trying to pay attention with out meds for me. I did take a month off it to see what it would be like and only noticed a few changes:

Slept better
More impulsive and less ability to concentrate

It didn’t affect my creativity and or anything at all. I would definately choose to be on the meds. I can’t get anything done without them, even the tasks I want to do seems like too much work to start.

Although adderall seems to affect people in different ways, my other friend with ADD tried it and got extremely vivid nightmares that made him give it up. I’ve rarely ever had a nightmare.

I took some of my friend’s ritalin once. It made me really paranoid about no particular thing.

I’m with you Sleepy. I had stopped taking my meds for ADD when i got out of high school. I don’t think its a fraud either. Yes alot of kids that get diagnosed do not really have ADD. But the simptoms are soooooo close to what you would expect from childrens behavior is not hard to see why its givin out so much.
I think it also has to do with the irrasposabillity of the baby boomer generation, well not so much then but the generation to come after that. or, i don’t no. My point is that now adays parents are irrasponsible and are looking for anything that will calm there kids down.

I can say for one that there is a way to tell if kids have ADD or not. Give them the medication. If they do, like my self them you will notic. Now when i started taking it, my parents were very skeptical. I went to three different docters to get three different opinions. And my step father who is a rather intellegent man.(degrease in everything from biology to computer science) Observed me very closely.
Now when I stated taking it i was only 8 so i had no idea what it was suposed to do. how it was suposed to help me. My parents tried explaining it to me but i didn’t understand.
Anyway i’ve been rambling, so strait to the point. I was a hyper and loud kid. when i started taking this, it calmed me. i could sit still for hours. i could consintrate much better. and so on and so forth.

ANy who, Yes it is misdiagnosed alot of the time, but ADD is in fact out there and the speed they perscribe for it does infact work.

Sorry for the length and the fragmented thoughts, i’m a bit out of it today.