
I have been out of dreaming all together for a while, just taking a frustrated break haha. Anyway, for probably over a month I’ve had no recall because I haven’t been trying, and this morning I awoke many times (during daylight, so it was past 7:30am), with most of the dreams being about a girl I am after. Anyway, I probably woke up from around six dreams in a two hour period because it was 9:30 when I got out of bed.

Waking up several times during the last couple of hours of sleep truely is the Holy Grail of recall. I’ve been encouraging it with an alarm for the last year at least, and it’s helped greatly. Apart from preventing the fragile memories from disappearing before you even manage to write them down, it also gives you a chance to reflect on the dream before going back into it, increasing your chances of lucidity.

I wonder though why its not true for everyone.
Like in my case for example…i naturally waka up many times during the night,it does not bother me or make tired or anything.Im used to it,that how i sleep.Additionally i have this comfort of sleeping over 9 or 10 hours on many days in the week.
From what i know thats perfect conditions.If you`re additionally interested in it and keep in touch with it(lds i mean) then you supposed to be almost on the gate to lds heaven.Thing is i am notLast ld ive had was in june:(
that kinda frustrates cuz its a sign of how little talented i am towards that.People seem to have more lds in much worse conditions.

jack: try taking a month break from smoking :wink:

Hey guys, this is truly a sign from the Gods that now is the time to get back into it again. Exact same happenings this morning (another high school snow day heheh). Better get the old notebook pen and desk light set up.

Go for it mr, it never hurts to work at it, plus it is always interting to se what your subconsions cooks up

YES! I guess it really was time for a comeback…
This morning I had about an AMAZING lucid dream, porbably 10 minutes long full lucidity. I kept telling myself to wake up or i wouldnt remember half the dream, but i was having too much fun haha, so the middle portion is kind of lost forever, but what i can remember was just astonishing. Thanks for the support dudes, that probably subliminally helped haha

OK im gonna add this in too just incase someone can explain it to me… at the end of my LD i finally made myself wakeup by walking through a coat on a coathanger (i saw on the forum somewhere someone that fell asleep in their dream to wake up and i thought wow there are neater ways to wake up than just telling yourself too). Well ANYWAY when I awoke i think i was still sleeping, although fully conscious in my bed, with paralysis (i think i could still move my hands tho cause i was gonna start writing down my dream). Anyway all i could see was my blue wall with part of my poster on it and part of my headphones in my field of vision. After thinking i was trapped like this for all time haha i awoke, in the same position, with my poster and headphones in the same spot… it’s like i could acualyl see while i was sleeping… hmm