The way countries see each other + stereo types

OK here are mine, no offense to any body.

I recon both Belgium, Holland and Germany have more predudiced than other Europian countries. No offense.

I’m afraid that some of these are true:
always raining
their government officials wear funny looking but ugly wigs
Men in suits.

Chocolate is more of a Belgian thing, and bear.
And I’m sure the British use the word bloke too. But in more of a queen accent.

Americans talk in that annoying acent and are over weight.
Americans love themselves.
The current American president is a complete idiot.
American’s are banned from tieing mooses to planes.
Americans find it hard to say “biscuit”

Tony blaire is Bush’s pet
Old people are grumpy

French eat garlic all the time and smell of it too.
French men have long curley beards and go around thinking they are better than the British (yeah right!)

The Mexican americans are cowboys.

The Dutch speak in a funny accent which is how the term double-Dutch came about.
The Dutch say “Unfortanaley, penut butter” to say Tough Luck.
The Dutch place planks of wood over a wall with churning barrals on each side, and see-saw to do churning, lol.
The Dutch speak like they have their noses held

Russians are sneaky spies

The Chinese goverment love disagreeing with the American goverment, saying how America will one day declare war on them

The Germans secretly still hate Britian and America, he, he.

Japanese, all of those fiting styles.

Aussies live on the wrong side of the world, upside down.
Play a game called spoony forky in which one must look and tell wether the person is holding a spoon or fork up.

Tapir-youve got cool cars :razz:
Russians :
are very angry…
don’t like guests in their houses (thats what i heard in the school,coz i lern german language)
PS.just wait we get in to the EU,we will start to steel youre houses :razz: (joke)

this thread is great for a good laugh :lol:

-I knew the arrogance comment was coming for the Americians. . . . I’m neither confirming or denying this allegation. :gni:
-The current American president is NOT a complete idiot, only 98% worth.
-Some States in the US do have funny laws; like “no icecream cones in your back pocket” … but rarely enforced.
-“biscuit” :eh: I think I say it ok, but I’ll have to hear another pronunciation to compare it to.
tapir, “liking stupid movies” I can confirm this!! :lmao: 99% fact! I claim to be part of the 1% :wink:

Why do you think we keep to ourselves. :wink: yes, the international community seems to dislike Americans. EDIT
-Horrible food, I suppose it depends on the area you live in and your taste, but great food is not hard to come by. Luckily, we have lots of Italians locally that make my favorite food. :grin: (Yahoo!! and my cousin is marrying the niece of the best Italian restaurant around!! :cool_laugh: )
but honestly, I do love hot dogs and hamburgers too!!

Here are some I forgot:

-Make the best gasoline engine on Earth
-make the best cars, next to Germany
-are very smart and electronically gifted (hehe, if that makes sense)

-a continent full of black people :happy: hahah, no offense
-hunt with spears
-are nudist and never wear clothes
-eat rats
-Live close to the Earth much like the Native Americans

Hmmm, I heard this too. I also heard they have “meeting places” outside of their home to meet guest.

-spit when they talk
-have big and hairy women (I have no basis for this comment)
-always sound angry when they talk, even if reading a love poem

-Are rude (I happen to think this is fact :wink: )
-have body odor (no offense, and I have no personal experience to back the claim)
-eat too much sugar
-French men are sleazy, and flirt too much. :lol:
-would take the statue of Liberty back if they could, :tongue:

Mexican: (actual Mexican, and not just southern American)
-Work 80 hours a week
-live with no less than 50 people to a household
-refuse to learn English
-are illegal aliens hiding from the border patrol
-when they speak spanish they are talking about us :happy: (because we are arrogant) :wink:

Puerto Rican:
-hate to be called Mexican

-hate to be called Mexican
-deal cocaine
-ride donkeys to make coffee

-hate to be called Mexican
-are beautiful and flawless

Dominican Republicians:
-hate to be called Mexican
-live in Mexico :grin:

-carry guns and wear military uniforms
-swim to America on rafts made of bamboo

and finally for now
-Have funny looking “mounted police” that ride horses
-their government grows the best marijuana in underground bunkers
-end all sentences with “eh?”
-wishes it was warmer. :grin:

Ok, maybe I over reacted a little. But I’ll happily admit that Tony Blaire hasn’t done much for Britian, or I can’t remember anything he has done.

I agree, but I think the French are very self confident and think they are better than anybody else. I even had a French friend of my parents say it, lol. Mind you, we all know Britian is the best!

Is it true that Scottish people wair there kilts and nothing underneath? :eek:

I meant that they can’t stand calling a cookie a biscuit and refuse to say biscuit.

I also don’t like that platted style that German and Dutch are assioated with when looking at womans hair styles.

I was thinking we could play that word game ^.^ but we have to promote our own country or dispromote (politley) another country, just for a laugh. For example:

Next word: Best

You may dispromote your country or promote another country.

Bitb? that’s not a word! I don’t like that game. It sounds like it can turn ugly fast.

You reminded me of 1 more I’d like to add:
Brits find it hard to say “cookie” :grin: :tongue:

Wrong way round, they are much worse in groups

Black? That’s a new one for me. Tea with cream n sugar i know of but black? hmm interest what you learn with topics like this lol.

Deffinately not a true one.

Oh yes, I meant when there are no respected adults around. When I meet a group of about 5 english guys my age they spent all the time drinking and teaching me how to curse in english.
Btw, not a curse, but do you really say “He´s off his beatbox!” :happy:

As can be seen here, the british don´t even seem to consider that there is other than black tea :wink:
Black tea with cream n sugar is still black tea. Other tea would be fruit-tea, herb-tea, green-tea, spice-tea…

Have you seen the french yet? :razz:

Perhaps I´ll add some prejudices about the germans next monday.
The thing about not liking guests very much is true (imho), especially if they just come around and don´t phone you beforehand (to “warn and ask for permission” g)
But meeting up in cafe or something isn´t strange, is it?


[color=red][size=200]C O O K I E[/size][/color] :cookiemon:

Bitb, I wasn’t creating a word, I was stating a fact, lol! Ofcourse the game was a joke.

Oh that’s not strange at all. I just heard that it’s custom to meet the guest away from home. Instead of the guest going straight to your house.

Maybe true, but you should cut us some slack…If there were 300 million of you and cut off from the world by two oceans you’d be the same way! :grin:

This was a good idea for a thread, it kind of reminds me of chat. What country should i start with, hmmm :hmmm: , I might repeat what others said, but hey it must be true :grin: :

America- Self center, fat, the states all have stupid laws, i can say biscuit, sports(in my case Rock n Roll :content: ), sex and beer the American Dream :wink: This country needs more culture, even though thats all we have. I mean culture in which our country can’t make $$$ from :tongue: (if that makes sense)

England- Tea and crumpets of course, rain and clouds, i think they created the English language yet no one can speak it right (sorry :shy: ), civilized and nice, live in small homes?, and fish and chips for dinner.

Dutch- They must being doing something right over there, except making chocolate of course :tongue: , who am i kidding i love it! Are clogs made from the Dutch?

Japan- Stores every where, nice people, lots of visitors, secret samurai killers :happy: , crazy tv. I heard they could show any type of nudity, but they can’t show pubic hair :eek:

Australia- hot air, fosters, outback, lots of animals, the wiggles :grrr: , the crocodile hunter, very hot, old fashion stoves to make your house even hotter(i think Atheist told me about that one)where does your toilet water go when you flush it? Clockwise or counter? :grin:

Spain-This country takes nap, i love the idea of that, they must be party animals, because before they siesta, they go fiesta! Big eaters, speak alot of Spanish with different accents (hey :cool: )

I dont know what else to label, there so many countries. Where is everyone from? Mainly English, Americans, Aussies, and Dutch? Where are my Chinese friends and Spanish friends :wink:

oh i get what you mean. we just call that “tea” here as opposed to “black tea”

Americans- Obese, arrogant, fighting, McDonalds
English- wearing ‘macs’ :smile: heh heh, drinking tea, blonde hair,
Dutch- Crazy wooden shoes… are they clogs?
Australian- Twangy accent (I love it!), super sun tanned, surfing, no pot- all alcohol! Lots of partys and fun in the sun,
Chinese/Japanese- short, obsessed with anime

Canadian (I am canadian, but I do know some things people think about us) - Live in igloos, rednecks, weak military, raging moose and beaver, obsessed with hockey

I don’t believe in all of these steriotypes, I just know that they exist !

For all the Brits out there, this is what I want to know…

If you call cookies “biscuits,” then what do you call biscuits? Like in “gravy and biscuits?”

What’s “gravy and biscuits”?

that is a biscuit :ok:

This is a COOKIE!

Does that clear things up :happy:

good links charlottedreamer. I found Gravy Biscuits there! :happy:

Gravy biscuits are goood. Mmm. :tongue: <— me licking lips

and Cookies are usually sweet and ate as a dessert or snack. They are baked flat and almost always contain sugar.

Biscuits are more had to spell that say. :lmao: but they are ate with dinner and usually “hearty” and rarely sweet. Biscuits are baked bread and mostly enjoyed warm. (although warm cookies are great too. :smile: )

This is really funny because I just returned home from a trip to Holland, Belgium, and France.

As an American who has visited these countries, here is my opinion.

Open minded
Slightly inarticulate, but they make up for it in joviality

Feigned arrogance (to a slightly satirical degree)
Sexually repressed
Constantly preoccupied.

Bad drivers (thank god most of them are on bikes)

Amazing chocolate…I’m sorry Dutch, but I think they got you beat here.

Very polite ( :eek: , seriously!)
When they aren’t dining/smoking, they’re in a hurry.
Great cooks
Very Animated
Self - indulgent

Unrivaled intelligence only met by unrivaled ignorance
Severely insecure
Crass, yet very accomodating to tourists/foreigners
Try too hard to be funny (try to make every conversation sitcom worthy)

Irish (my heritage/granfalloon):
Hmmm… The only group that isn’t bothered by stereotypes.
“The Italians may have the best food, Germans have the best beer, and the French may be the romantics; but no one eats, drinks, and f—s like a Mick!”

Please add your comments, maybe I got the wrong impression in my travels.

Good Picture DreamAddict :wink: , I bet the biscuits are really good in your state :grin:
I forgot to label Canadians :tongue:

Im not sure what to say: they actually seem HAPPY :wink: , pale, kinda of slow, very crazy, a little out of date.

I want gravy and biscuits now :grrr:

Ok, ok, you got me. Short, smart, obsessed with anime. Also with technology. I really do want to live in Japan. Man that have good stuff. Ever watched the anime “Naruto”? It’s perfect. You know, if you watch the Simpsons, that’s pretty accurate about America in general…

And about them Irish… aren’t they supposed to have bars every other building?

Oh yeah, I’ve associated Europe with good food.
:happy: FRENCH WOMEN!!! :cool:
