Mom's spirit guide

.As an only child, my mother a single parent,I had never known or met my biological father or had a desire to. I became more understanding about my Moms remarkable spirit guide she tried to tell me about before she passed away- she had often mentioned to me that she had a spirit guide and heard voices, & we noticed she seemed to mumble as if talking to herself more frequently as she thought no one else was around. I got used to her “Thinking outloud” and talking to her “wiffenpoofs” (her affectionate name for them) She would drink and get really “trancelike” where she’d tell me to sit next to her hold her hand,close my eyes and concentrate with her quietly so that I could see/hear her spirit guide too. It never happened no matter how long I or hard I’d concentrate. It was always the “i have a spirit guide” conversation that I avoided having with her. Once she put $80 in the lining of an old doll and secretly left the doll at the door of an apartment below her where a family who had a little girl lived and my Mom had never even met. I was the only person she told about doing this and though I was aghast when she told me she did, her only explanation was just that “a voice had told me to do it” At the time we assumed this strange behavior resulted from her heart disease or some kind of dementia from loss of circulation to her brain.
But now I believe what she was saying. I found an old paperback in my mom’s book collection after her death,“Strangers Among Us” by Ruth Montgomery.a renown psychic medium in the 60-70’s,In that she wrote about similiar guides who are on earth-That’s how I knew of her and how I found her next book (by luck) was even more amazing.I was walking by a thrift store and was drawn to go inside,I headed straight for the books, began to methodically scan all the book titles there (I never before took the time to browse books in a thrift store) after about 70 books my eyes fixed on a stained cover and it was another Ruth Montgomery book called “A World Beyond” I can’t explain what lead me to this book I but I think it was for reason. The book is a first hand account of what it is like on “the other side”-from fellow psychic medium Arthur Ford (In spirit)after his passing,he telepathically sent daily messages to Ruth that she typed out while in trance-this is the only known detailed account of how things are on the other side-and even though it’s not direct I believe it’s the most authentic written…According to the “spirits” they wanted Ruth to write this book for the living to know what we must expect, how we can prepare for an easier transition to our spirit state when we do get there. - many astonishing things were revealed to me after reading it like the purpose/reason behind my Mom giving that doll & money [unconditional gift without gratitude or broadcast] My thinking has changed about spirit guides and though I have yet to meet my own spirit guide I will be able to accept it when I do.I’m now starting to read “Journeys out of the Body” by Robert A. Monroe (another one of Mom’s books) Wow…

Thanks for listening.(^.~)

thanks for sharing that story, sorry to hear about your mom

it’s very interesting how things fall into place like that, i also recommend Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect by robert peterson, he began hearing a voice in his head (he called it his inner self or something like that) after he began OBEing, that voice would guide him and such