
I think we are spark of a new age of thinking. Seriously stop and think what year we are in right now. Its 2003 the third year into a new century, how can this change the way we look at life? Lets start off by thinking about a hundreds years from now, how different technology and communication, not only that but how people were in a society. This is a brand new century and so far we have a War coming on the way, and that could change everything. This year or these following years can change the outcome of History. How can we picture ourselves ten years from now? Would we be alive, will the world still be functioning? This is Just a start to new way see our future and how we actually affect it, this might not seem important to some, but hey this is my life and I would like to see what’s coming ahead. And I figure one person. Just one is the start of understanding where are future withholds. So comment, tell me what you think, I just have to say every century something significant like this always happens. :confused:

Things will be moving progressively faster for “us”, and revolution is a good term to start with.

I guess Hubbs just reached some critical age or something. :smile:
There are always something like that hanging around, that Iraq-war doesn’t mean anything. Last war before this one in Iraq was in 1991.
If I remember correctly, there are over 200 armed conflicts going on right now on our little globe. So don’t mind, it’s just something which we humans tend to do.

“I guess Hubbs just reached some critical age or something.”

This “something” goes for THC level:):):slight_smile:

I also wonedered about that stuff on many occasions.Just reaching back 6 years ago i remember times with no internet at all.The revolution happened in a blink of an eye.Whats next?nanotechnology?Artificial intelligence?
We indeed live in interesting times…still tho…i prefer dreaming:)

Thats a thought, are technolgy is having its boom, where can this lead to? I bet we have so many advancements that havent been approved and sometime in life we will notice some significant inventions or changes.

I just dont like this war developing, and how the world is gonna be affected by it, most times everything kinda of starts over when the war ends, i wondder what its like when we start over. :eek:

Well the President made a speech last night in the United States, and this just gave me the idea of change. I figure now, this is just the start…Just a thought… look:

Yeah, I got the exact same feeling when Bush made his speech last night. Something big’s about to change, and I think the war with Iraq is going to have a lot to do with it. This is the time when all the new age stuff like lucid dreaming and astral projection, and all the workings of the mind that haven’t really been explored or had much interest in modern science, this is when all that stuff is going to come out. People are going to start getting more interested. Change is going to start happening pretty soon, I can just feel it coming.

Its time for a new Era, all i can say now, everything on the news can be consider History, I hope this turns out well. I hate to see this world have a nuclear war, thats the last thing this earth needs :nervous: