My Progress

well as you know, i decided to start practicing lucid dreaming again and you guys were helping me get back to where I left off.

I started a dream journal. when i use to have lucid dreams i never had a dream journal because i had good dream recall. but this time i decided to start one. so far i have 3 entries out of 4 nights. last night I remeber about 4 of my dreams and recorded them. My dream recall must be getting better because it has improved over the last 3 days.

The main problem i have with becoming lucid, is realizing i am dreaming. I have a hard time determining during a ND because i just go about thinking it is real life and all the weird stuff that happens i think it is real. any suggestions on that little problem?

I also am starting to read my book “exploring the world of Lucid dreaming” again. i have read it once and i am going to read it again. I am still yet to have another lucid dream, but it has only been 4 days since i started practicing again… I would appreciate any feed-back. Thank you!

Woah woah woah… i just remebered another part of one of my dreams! I was running from something in my house i don’t remeber what it was but for a breif second i remembered i was dreaming and tried to make a gun appear on a table. so i turned away and thought to myself “a big gun is going to be on that table when i look back at it” and when i turned to get the gun there wasn’t one… :bored: Oh well… I wasn’t fully aware it was a dream anyways.

You should do more frequent RC, that will help you decifier reality from your Dream world. Good job on improving your dream recall :thumbs:

In my dreams i never think to do RC. it is like i dont really have control so i never think to do them. in waking life i do them sometimes. but i feel stupid because i know it isn’t a dream.

He means do RC in your waking life and do them as often as possible. That, along with your dream journal can yield you some lucid dreams by themselves.

I also recommend that you practice an induction technique like MILD, WILD, WBTB etc.

Good luck and happy dreaming.