Does pain in dreams have a limit??

I have had many dreams where there has been plenty of pain. Sometimes, almost unbarable. Could this pain go even further before you wake up? Most of the time, my pain is replaced with INTENSE tickling. Why cant it go much further? I think it can, because some of the pain i experience seem to show no limmit.

It’s very subjective. In LD, some dreamers volontarily cut their dream bodies and it doesn’t hurt. For some others, it hurts. :cry:
Could you explain in which circumstances there have been “plenty of pain” ? As you say this pain is replaced with tickling, it seems to me that it’s related to the buzzing and vibrations of “near bed experiences” ( it’s a brand new classification ) :grin:
If so, I don’t think these very unpleasant and quite unbarable feelings can go very much further.

I have had plenty of dreams that i experience pain in, but its alot less than i would feel in RL. Ive been stabbed with a trident, but it felt like a huge soreness in my stomach. Its sore for the remainder of the dream, LD or ND.

I don’t know why you would want it to go further but, I would imagine it could go as far as you want it to so long as you can prevent yourself from waking up. I have felt pain in dreams before but, the pain usually does not last long. I would guess that you would have to keep your attention to it. If you draw your attention to something else you would probably “forget” about the pain. ( Just a guess )

I think you are limited only by your own imagination just like everything else in dreamland. Just a matter of how much you can take before it wakes you up.

Yes I wan’t to know too because my brother has much lucid dreams and he likes dolphins and he always transforms himself in a dolphin and swims in the ocean and jump and talk to other dolphins but then there comes a big white shark and al the dolphins swim away and my brother too but the shark is much faster and then because he is scared he wake up . now the question is would it be dangerous if my brother let him caught by the shark

Don’t worry fot your brother, there is no danger in a LD.
Don’t witches know that ? :tongue:

But your brother has to learn to be a most efficient dolphin, as it’s the sharks who fear dolphins, and not the opposite :smile:

me has never felt pain in dreams, so i wouldn’t know.

guess im lucky…

Youre brother could just ask the shakr to go away and elave them alone.

And he’s in no danger (with the exception fo lack of sleep form waking up). Remember, its all in your head, and your brain wouldn’t put you in a position that could harm itself.

thanks eh everybody I thought that also but my brother didn’t want to believe it :wink: ( excuse me for the bad english because I only studied 2 years english for now :wiske:

I’ve never had cause for pain in an LD, but I’ve been stabbed and slashed in numerous NDs and never felt a thing.