Waking up with odd ideas?

Just this morning I woke up thinking about oreo brownies and I still can’t stop thinking about them. I’ve never seen one in real life and I’m not sure they even exist but I can’t shake the feeling that they’re in my kitchen at this very moment. Even after several searches I still have the feeling, and I’m not even hungry.

Once when I woke up in the morning, I was sure that my mom had called me the day before and told me that I had a dentist appointment at 1pm, so I skipped school to go to the dentist.
After sitting in the waiting room for half an hour, I asked the lady in the reception when it was my turn. She looked it up on the computer and told me that my appointment was more than a month later. I realized that my mom hadn’t called me and told me to go to the dentist.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, write down a great idea, then go back to sleep and forget it happened. One time I woke up in the morning and found two text files saved on my cell phone. One of them said “Fish-oil is fluorescent” and the other one: “Levitation is possible by swallowing fish-oil”

lol :rofl:

I’ve woken up and automatically started to hit my boyfreind. I just felt like I had to hit him alot and really hard. The rage I felt was for real. As he was screaming and when I finaly realized what I was doing…I was comepletly shocked of my actions. I appologized to him and it wasn’t for hours later that I remembered the dream.
I dream that I caught him cheating on me.
Sometimes dreams are so real! I now sleep in my own bedroom by myself. :neutral:


first of all you must understand me+getting out of bed=takes hours. I woke up one day and i wanted this cd so bad so i got up right away got my dad to drive me to sam goody got the cd and got home and realized i was tired as hell and didnt want to have gotten up so i went back to bed and didnt even listen to the cd until later…stuff happens i didn’t lose any sleep over it i think most people do that a lot. probably something to do with what you were doing in your dream.

yea often times ill have a dream where i discover something new. Like ill discover by mixing 2 substances ill create sumthing new that does sumthing increadible. Or ill discover how to fly or use telekinesis really well. The problem with me is i do stupid things already when im a wake. So naturally when i wake up after my new discovery i think it is actually possible so i will try it. A few times(with more down to earth) ideas i was right and they worked but other times… Like the fact that u can fly if u run on top of a barrel down a big hill and jump off. Did not. just so u know i did roll a barrel down this big hill then bomb dropped onto it with my snowskate and the death that welcomed me was not pretty. Or the time when i mixed Corn oil, Baking Soda and pepper and tried to light it on fire to create this solution that will give u super powers.

haha good times.

I’ve done this a few times when I was really young. I would get up out of bed and go somewhere else in the house. I remember one time I got up, went to my parents room to talk to them. Then I went back to bed. It made no sense at the time. It’s almost like a sleepwalking state, but I remember actually walking. It’s funny to wake up in a different room. :smile:

I had one just this morning,I woke up thinking zombies where taking over and I ran to my wash room and got a bat,Then I realise I had no idea what I was doing.

speaking of dreaming 'bot something then wake up and MUST HAVE IT;

enjoy :}

I had a similar experience to some of these. I was pregnant with my first child at the time (which may have had something to do with it). I half woke up in the middle of the night, leapt out of bed and ran into the hallway outside the bedroom. I was really petrified and certain that I was in some sort of danger. Then I woke up fully and rather puzzled about the whole thing. Weird :eh:

A few days ago I woke up and looked at my watch.
It was 9.27. I had overslept, I had to get up before 8. I wondered why my alarm hadn’t gone off.
Then I realized that I wasn’t wearing a watch, I don’t even have one. And it was still dark outside.

A week or so ago I was convinced that a Libyan woman had heroically escaped to Australia as a refugee and had become a symbol of inspiration to oppressed people. It was all a lie, but I thought it was historical fact! I figured it out after a few seconds, but it was still freaky.

This topic made me laugh! :lol: The first thing I can remember, happens after a dream about eating or drinking. I can get a crazy craving for cider, fish soup, milk, or anything else I have dreamt about.

There is also the classic one about waking up on a free day, from a dream about oversleeping on a work day…I have come as far as the bus stop once!

I woke up thinking I had super powers once (specificaly control of Ice :eh: ). Luckily I fell back to sleep before anyone actualy saw what I was doing :scared:

LOL! that reminds me.

Just yesterday my alarm clock was going off. I woke up, and very drowsely started hitting off on a invisible remote control. I continued to do it until I looked at my hand to find nothing there.

I was dreaming that I was in my english class. I woke up thinking I had to turn in my hw that I didn’t saying “Ms.Wilson, I swear I had it” Then I look around to find me in my room. Really funny

This topic reminds me of the movie Donnie Darko :razz:. However his “ideas” were weirder… I won’t spoil it :smile: (Hm, but in Donnie there’s sleepwalking too, not just the “waking up”…)

I woke up today thinking it was Thursday or Friday >_>

I once remember waking up really wanting to eat some honey-nut cheerios. And when I say that I don’t just mean that I woke up and decided I wanted cheerios, I mean I literally opened my eyes and thought, “HONEY NUT CHEERIOS!” Somewhat baffling, really.

I also once woke up at eight PM convinced that it was eight AM and I was late for school, but that was because I was sick and had gone to bed at about four. The fact that it was dark outside just confused me more.

That is an amazing movie… I just saw it for the first time two weekends ago. It was so crazy and disorienting but somehow it all made sense in the end.