Hypnagogic hallucination problems?

Sometimes when I go to sleep I have a hard time relaxing because of something somewhere between dreams and hallucinations that occur. (it feels like I am half-awake, but I can’t think clearly and I experience irritating hallucinations, or something similar) It have happened a couple of nights the last few months. I remember small fragments sometimes, and often it’s about something that I think is serious that happens and I try to fix it in vain. (I remember fragments of things like trying to fix the soundcard settings and trying to keep some kind of monster(s) away from me without success. both are about as irritating :tongue:) I keep trying but the problem doesn’t get solved and/or gets worse.

Then I often “wake up” after a couple of minutes and realize that it isn’t real and then I get irritated because I can’t sleep and it is… irritating. Sometimes I wonder things like “how the heck could I think that was real?” I then experience similar things as soon as I almost fall asleep again. I often can’t sleep for a few hours those nights after it first happens, and often give up and go and play some computer game or read a book for a few hours. Then I go to bed afterwards and can usually fall asleep pretty quickly without any problems.

When browsing around here on this forum and reading some messages about hypnagogic hallucination, I noticed that it seemed very similar to the decriptions of these. Do anyone else have any similar problems, and/or know any way to get rid of the problems?

Really all you can do is learn to ignore the hallucinations and keep practicing. As you get better with WILD you will learn to let go faster which will in turn allow you to pass more quickly through the hypnogia and into dreaming.

Anyway the good news is that you were very close.

Well I hope this was of some help. I just got back from a long trip and I am very tired.

Happy Dreaming

No problem. Myself I wrote my post just before going to sleep, so I was pretty tired too. It was helpful, but not really what I asked for. What this topic is really about is that this have happened a few times during “normal” nights when I don’t even think about using any LD method and just relax trying to sleep. That’s what confuses me.

Then it have also happened when I have tried WILD when I first go to sleep. (mainly for fun) I have heard it’s very hard to without WBTB, but I find it intresting and exciting as long as the semi-dreams dont’t get too irritating. One night I also remember suddenly hearing a very loud, sharp noise and then suddenly starting to feel a bit cold. Then I had to pee :spinning:ack:) and that was the end of that nights attempts.

With classic wild you can expect such semi dreams as u call them and u can use them to your advantage…be lucid in them and use them, try a bit the power of suggestion and the world lays at your feet :wink:

In other words, your problem is that you label it as your problem but the opposite could easely just as well be true!
Also sounds like u fear it a bit or are not tot comfotable with it yet.

I only label it as a problem during “normal” nights when I haven’t tried to have any lucid dreams but still experience it and it prevents me from falling asleep. During those nights they are extremely irritating.

When I try to use WILD they aren’t as irritating, (I think it’s because I have a lot better control of my thoughts then) except for that each time I “wake up” from them I have to get relaxed again because I react too strongly.

I started experiencing this recently when trying WILD, so I think I’m getting better. Something have always distracted me, and after a few hours I have then given up. First I had problems with breathing, (either too much so that I felt strange or too little so that my heart started beating like crazy) now I have these problems.

yes i understand :wink:

Before u can do/control something you first need recognition from having real experience!