Wake up control???

Hello all,
I have just recently discovered lucid dreaming. I have yet to completely explore this entire site, or lucid dreaming. I do know what it is and I have a particular dream that I was hoping some of you could comment on.

About ten years ago, (roughly 16years old) I was staying next door at a friend’s house, as I normally did. We would stay up late playing video games. Regardless of the time we when to bed we would always wake up at a certain time. One particular night I had a most unusual thing happen in a dream. It is as follows…

The dream it’s self I can barley remember, but while in the middle of this dream, (that I had no control over) my dream suddenly stopped. When the dream stopped I was in no particular place, as a matter of fact I wasn’t any ware. But I did have two choices, one was to wake up, and the other was to continue dreaming. While in this state I begin to think about my choices. I thought that I would like to continue dreaming, but I figured also that if I’m being given this choice then it must be about time for my friends to wake up and I didn’t want then to mess with me as I was sleeping if I decided to continue. I struggled with this for a bit and then decided that I wanted to wake up. And so I did. It indeed was nearly the time we normally woke up.

Every since that happened to me I think about it from time to time, I have told many people about my experience, but nobody has heard of such a thing. Then again the people that I have told have had not background in dreaming, besides what they have dreamt about themselves. So I ask all that read this, what are your thoughts? Have you ever been given a choice like that? What does being given that choice mean?

Thank you,

i’ve had nearly the same thing. dream kind of just ends and i’m about to wake up, but it feels that i can make a decission about waking. it feels that i can still continue that dream. but in that situation, i have no logic thinking, so somehow, i always end up waking up. no matter what i’ve choosed.

but if someone could really think properly, and be logic, i think that in the same “state” you could decide to get lucid. maybe i coud practice it someway…

…i dont know does this make any sense… :grin:

or maybe it just feels like i can decide on my own. have you really ever continued the dream? of course it would be pretty cool :cool:

I’m rather happy to find out that somebody else out there has had the same experience as I have had. I wish that it would happen again so that I might choose to continue as to see what would happen

Thank you for your reply, I hope others may have some insite as to our experience.


i’ve also kind of wished it would happen again,though it was so strange… maybe i would this time know to act differently and stay calm and everything. would be interesting. :alien:

I’ve had that experience a few times as well. I think there’s various levels between waking and sleep. It’s not necessarily one or the other. This is kind of a dream-limbo state. Like you said, the next time it happens, you could probably easily slip into a LD.