Hey Thats Me! But Not Me?...

Recently iv’e been having alot of third-person dreams, where I see myself doing things. But the person who I see who is meant to be me, doesn’t really look like me.
I was wondering if the person who is meant to be me, but doesn’t look like me, is just what I percieve myself to look like?
Shesh, that was a mouthfull! :cool_laugh:

I would say not necessarily… but its very possible. In my dreams I’ve been a lot of different people. I can be a man or a woman, sometimes I’m caucasion, sometimes I’m middle aged, sometimes a kid. I’m not sure why this happens but it’s interesting!
Maybe it is how you see yourself at the moment in your life. Like maybe there are times when I feel wise like a middle aged person or scared like a kid so this is reflected in my dreams. Do you think its like that for you?

Often when I see myself in these “third person dreams” I look different than in real life. Usually it’s just small things i.e., having very long hair when my hair in real life is above my ears. Even if I’m just looking in the mirror in a regular dream I’ll look different.

Yeah my friend says he has lots of dreams like this. For myself I have never had a third person dream, or atleast I can’t remember one.

Sure, that’s somewhat normal. I usually don’t look quite the same when I see myself in 3rd person. Also, sometimes I morph into other things, like two nights ago I had a dream where I morphed into a Sulfur Crested Cockatoo, into a girl and then back into a Cockie again.