Is my spirit guide mad at me?

OK, I had a very long, vivid lucid dream last night so I won’t post all the details, but an excerpt. Long story short, I think I met my spirit/inner guide, and in my dream, he played the trumpet, but did so very poorly and I said"egghh…you’re not very good at that" and I immediately woke up which puzzled me because I was so concretely in the dreamworld… do you think my spirit guide kicked me out of my dream because he didn’t like me saying that he was bad at playing the trumpet? also, I have unusually poor recall for the vividness of the dream.

i think you pissed off your spirit guide that cant be a good thing.i mean thats like saying the same thing to a person if i was sitting there trying my hardest to play the trumpet and you said i sucvked at it id probably feel like hitting you over the top of the head with it

Well if you think that your spirit guide is a spirit seperate from yourself then i guess you could have pissed it off, in your next LD just try making an apology, or give him like a magic great playing trumpet lol.

well yeah I was dreaming… my dream self isn’t so smart…but I believe spirit guides are a part of yourself…I don’t know if it’s possible to piss them off but I think I did… I’ll try apologizing in my next LD.

I piss myself off. I just did something stupid today, got burned for it… so now I’m mad at myself… anyways that’s my grounds for saying that you can piss part of yourself off… but you probably didn’t get booted from your dream. Maybe it was just a funny DC.

Spirit guide - inner guide are two different things. A spirit guide is a separate entity.

A spirit guide would be mature in handling such matters.

Are you sure you just didn’t wake up for other reasons. I think when we have LDs we are not just awake more in our minds, but sort of our bodies as well. This means that it is easier for us to wake up. I think there are levels to this as well.
Deep sleep
light sleep
rem/normal dreams

The closer you are to the bottom of the list the more easily it is to wake up. (excluding last 2 cause you’re already awake then.

But then again there could be a subconscious reason to wake as well

Well, if you’re talking to a spirit guide (I never have) I imagine they would feel pretty close to them, and you’d be able to be honest with them (and probably expect the same from them). I’m sure they wouldn’t mind you being painfully honest. also, being spirits, I expect they wouldn’t really be bothered by something as “petty” as trumpet playing ability. Of course all this is presuming that spirit guides exist, and aren’t just like imaginary projections by your brain, in which case it probably is possible to piss them off.

Also, if you are going to apologize, there should be no need to do it in an LD. Just do it before you go to sleep one night or something, but make it sincere.

Ack, I don’t like the idea of some pissed off spirit being able to kick me out of my own dreams. I doubt that’s the actual reason you woke up, but it could have been!

If you see him/her again, I guess you could apologize and ask him/her if they know why you woke up so suddenly. If they did, tell them not to or you’ll wake them up next time! :happy:

If it was a spirit guide, I don’t think he/she would get angry at you at all. No way. He/she loves you very much and will never get mad at you. He/she just aids you. :smile:

So theorically, its possible that you just dreamt of a DC… a mirror of your spirit guide.

Yeah, you still can apologize and see where it goes. :smile:

Agree.Being mad or upset or angry usually means low level of spirituall development and lack of wisdom.Even oridinary people who we consider wise(that means they can look at the situation from many angles) wouldnt do so.They just know and understand your reasons.And thats just people,so we can expect way more from spirits.
Its like(sorry for this comparision) you being mad at your dog that it does not want to brush its teeeth every morning.You just know its a dog and it has limitations-psychicall and phisical.You understand its nature instincts.
Many people after near death experiences will tell you that they were able to read other people thoughts while on the other side and that they were feeling love and understanding-its just a form of spirituall growth-understanding more.And i doubt a lot that being mad could be even tiny part of it.
take care:)

lol, thanks everyone, this topic made me laugh :grin: :eh: